Hey, all! Happy Saturday. It's that special time of the week where I bring an awesome author from the LGBTQ genre here to gush over and talk to. This week Jambrea Jo Jones here. She's the author of such works as, Vegas Sin, Dead Man Dating, and the anthology I Need A Hero. We will look at her work, do an interview, and shut it down with a giveaway! So get a drink and hang with us for a bit.
Sex, weddings, and gambling hold a back seat to kidnapping and murder in the city of sin…
Owen Carpenter sets aside one night each month to relax at the Totally Five Star, but a case has just landed on his desk that has those nights disappearing for the foreseeable future. Someone is kidnapping women in Las Vegas and Owen needs to stop them before the women end up dead.
Harrison Boone is head of security at the Totally Five Star. He notices a man who comes in once a month and he wants to know more about him. When Owen introduces himself, there’s an instant attraction between Harrison and Owen, but they are interrupted by a kidnapping—at his hotel. After Harrison leaves the military, the hotel becomes his life, so Harrison will do anything to keep the hotel out of the news and protect its reputation.
Can Owen and Harrison find love in Sin City, or will the case of the disappearing women crush what might be the best bet the men have ever placed?
most, but for him it was perfect. Until his best friend tricked him into speed dating. With friends like Felix, he didn’t need enemies, but after meeting Dr. Umberto Yanukovich, he might forgive Felix. Only problem? The doctor was human.
Can there be a future for a zombie and a human?
He keeps his true identity hidden, even from the man he loves…
Twenty years ago, superheroes were outlawed by the mayor of Mokum City. Christopher Chase has grown up knowing that he has all the strength and speed of Sprint, his superhero father, who died attempting to save the mayor’s niece from being kidnapped. But, unlike his father, he is unable to fulfill his destiny and become a masked crimefighter. Even Christopher’s boyfriend, bar owner Johnny Brennan, doesn’t know Christopher’s true identity.
A chance encounter with a purse snatcher in the city cemetery gives Christopher a taste of what it’s like to use his powers for good. And when Johnny becomes caught up in a hostage situation, Christopher can no longer stand by. Even if it means losing his own life, he must pull on the costume of Sprint to save the man he loves.
'Riptide' by Helena Maeve
Sometimes all that matters is being in the right place, at the right time.
Rami knows the storm should have killed him. Very much alive, though slightly waterlogged, he can’t shake the feeling that he didn’t survive on his own merits. He had help.
When a person of interest in the legal matter he’s been hired to untangle reveals a strong resemblance to the man who may have saved his life, venturing into uncharted waters becomes the least of Rami’s problems.
A loner living in the shadow of a once-great house, Malcolm is a hard man to pin down. His seemingly impossible feats of heroism have certainly saved lives, but the people of Envern, Maine, are only too eager to allege he had something to do with his employer’s death. Leading a secretive existence under a cloud of suspicion should scupper Malcolm’s appeal, but Rami has secrets of his own and his relationship with danger has always been complicated.
Reader Advisory: This book contains depression and suicidal ideation.
'Saving the Day' by Jambrea Jo Jones
Superpower—check. Worldwide fans? No thank you!
Kent Laine and his twin brother Jimmy have superpowers in a world where most people don’t believe. Sure, comic books and movies make it seem so entertaining, but for them it isn’t. The brothers were raised to keep their powers hidden. To only use them when it’s absolutely necessary.
The struggle is real for Kent. He can heal people, but at what cost to himself? He envies his brother’s ability to speak with animals. If only he’d been given a non-active gift because the urge to help everyone is always strong.
In walks Albert Ott. His sister is dying. Will Kent be able to let her die? Or will he help the man who he is coming to love.
Stay tuned...
'Flying with the Stars' by Sarah Masters
Not every superhero needs a cape!
Hello. My name is James and I’ve just got over a break-up with the awful Gareth, who left me for a man who has nipples the size of cigar stubs. How’s that for a bash to my self-esteem? Gareth did me a favor, though, and now it’s time to go after the man I really love, but first I need to crash out of my morose shell and go clubbing.
After I bump into my crush—ahem, neighbor—Ronnie, and find myself babbling stupid things while ogling him as he stands in his doorway wrapped in nothing but a towel, I begin to wonder whether true love will ever come my way if I keep acting so amateurish in the relationship department. But Ronnie accepts my invitation to join me at the club, and what happens afterward both amazes and freaks me the hell out. The man of my dreams is like no other, and he might well need me as his sidekick in the future if things keep going the way they are.
With a nasty thug to deal with and a robber stealing a woman’s handbag, Ronnie has to let his inner force free and right the wrongs. Can I handle this new life? And more to the point, can Ronnie? Who needs a cape and a mask when Ronnie has power at his fingertips and a brilliant ability to whisk us here, there and everywhere so we’re flying with the stars?
'Unseen' by Lucy Felthouse
When a scientific procedure has unexpected results, Rory tries to make the best of a bad situation and ends up becoming an accidental superhero.
Medical scientist Rory is working in his top secret underground laboratory in Central London when a procedure has unexpected results. Far from curing his patient, a monkey called Arnold, of an unpleasant disease, he manages to turn the animal invisible! In his panic, Rory accidentally gets some of the serum he injected Arnold with into his own bloodstream, rendering himself invisible, too. With disbelief and confusion filling his brain, Rory finds it impossible to think straight, much less to figure out what precisely happened, and what on earth he’s going to do about it. So, after stripping off his clothes—which remain visible and therefore would give him away—he heads out into the London night for a walk to try and clear his head. Soon, a series of events lead him into a situation where he takes heroic action to protect somebody from hurting themselves, or someone else. And, just when Rory thinks things can’t get any weirder, he’s found, completely naked, in the home of the man he helped the previous evening. How can he explain his way out of this?
'The Angel on the Northern Line' by Catherine Curzon
When your average, run-of-the-mill retired superhero Latin teacher meets an angel on the underground, it’s not only runaway trains that spark.
Christian Winter used to save the world. In World War II, when good and bad was a simple matter of whose side you were on, life had seemed so much simpler. Back then it was easy for a superman to see the troops safely home. Back then it was easy to be Mithras.
Long since retired to teach Latin in a London school, the man who used to be Mithras wants nothing more than a cup of tea and a quiet life. All that changes thanks to a runaway train and a red-headed Scottish angel on the Northern Line whose eyes are bluer than a summer sky, and who just happens to have a thing for chaps in tweed.
Swept along by Freddy Rose’s passion and enthusiasm, Christian’s efforts to resist the Scottish angel’s attractions aren’t exactly heartfelt, but can the passionate angel and an encounter with a very important lady tempt Mithras back to a life of adventure?
It’s so awesome to have you here, Jambrea. This is a first and I love that I have some fresh meat to tenderize. I mean that in the sweetest way… I swear! It’ll be awesome to get to know you and for your readers to uncover your deep dark secrets. So, strap in and we shall begin.
Thanks for the welcome!! I don’t mind being tenderized. lol
Tell us three things we won’t read on your bio?
Hmm… I am such an open book it’s hard to think of three. I had to go look and see what I’d put in my bio! Lol
I have 12 tattoos. I want more!
I’m addicted to Facebook and pretty much share… um… probably too much. Lol
I am one of those people who takes pictures of their food. ALL the time. Lol
How much real life experience vs research do you bring to your books?
I think it might be a good 50/50 split. If, while writing, I hit on something I am not sure on, I go on a search! lol
What was the easiest book you’ve written and which was the most difficult?
What a hard question!! You ARE working me over. Lol
I’m going to say that my newest, Dead Man Dating was pretty easy. It flowed for me. The most difficult. Hmmm… I’m going to go with Mangus. It was my first story that was long. I mostly write 15,000 to 30,000 word stories and Magnus was 50,000! (Magnus is an m/f story)
Before you ever published obviously you read books. As an author do you find you read books differently and how so?
Not really. I see how some people think in editing terms when reading, but I don’t have an inner editor to begin with. Lol In all of my forty-one years, I’ve only not finished one book. ONE. Lol And I usually enjoy everyone I read. Of course, I also like B movies… lol
If one of your books could be made into a major motion picture which would you pick and who would you cast?
Vegas Sin. It’s a romantic suspense story and I think it would make a wonderful movie! Sullivan Stapleton would play Harrison Boone. And Simon Baker as Owen Carpenter.
We’re living in a very scary time. How do you believe books can and will affect it?
I think books help us get to a happy place. You can put yourself into a world where you don’t have to think about what is going on in ours for a few hours. An escape.
Can you tell us about what you’re working on or your future projects?
Right now I am working on my first horror story. Not a romance story. Think Dean Koontz and Steven King! I am also working on a story called The Billionaire’s Bribe. I’m hoping it will fit with the Dreamspinner line. Fingers crossed.
When deciding on a cover for your books, what does it for you? When do you know that’s it?
Most of my covers come from my publisher, so I just give them an idea of the guys I would like and some background. I’ve been very lucky with covers! I just recently did a self-published book and the artist nailed it, first try. It really depends on the story on what I’d like. It’s always different for each book. Usually, I open my email when I get the first draft...and fall in love. Lol
Can you tell your readers how they can follow you: Facebook, website, Twitter etc…
@Jambrea on twitter
Dog or cat? Cat
Day or Night? Night
Inside or outside? Inside
Favorite flower? Gerber Daisy
Favorite color? Pink or Red
Beer or wine? Neither. If pushed… wine
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Favorite movie? I have too many! Beauty and the Beast
Okay, Jambrea, I can’t thank you enough for being here today!
Thank you SO much for having me! This has been fun!
Jambrea is offering a PDF or Epub copy of
the anthology I Need A Hero to one person.
Fill out the rafflecopter below to enter.
Contest will end on May 26th
Thank you.
New to me author... Vegas Sin looks great! I'll have to look into that one!
ReplyDeleteNew to,me author. Dead man dating looks fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI've read a couple of her books and loved them. I'm looking forward to reading more of them.
ReplyDeleteNew to me author! Everything looks good!
Nope not a new author for me. I've read a couple of her short stories.
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed all the books I've read by Jambrea and I'm looking forward to reading the anthology it sounds fab.
ReplyDeleteVegas sin and the antho look very appealing. Can't tell about the zombie book since the blurb is not complete. I'd have to go elsewhere to read more on it.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and much success to all the authors and Jambrea!
taina1959 @ yahoo.com
Vegas Sin looks good. I've read some of Jambrea's work from the M/M Romance Group's DRitC events.
ReplyDeleteI've read a couple of Jambrea's books and really enjoyed them. Thank you for thr interview. The anthology sounds great.