Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Release Day Review: A Country Boy at Heart by M.A. Church #Review #Giveaway

 Author: M.A. Church
Book: A Country Boy at Heart
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Publication date: November 9, 2016
Length: 137 pages

Reviewed by Morningstar


Hot damn, what more could a country boy want? Bass Pro Shop is finally opening in Tennessee. Nick plans to check out all twelve indoor acres chock-full of hunting, fishing, and boating in the Memphis Pyramid on the Mississippi River.

City boy Sandy wonders yet again how he let himself get talked into attending a grand opening for a hick hunting store. His geeky heart prefers the energy of the city. Little does he know all that is going to change due to a freakishly tall glass elevator—and Nick, the high-school crush who’s suddenly taking a second look at him.

A moment of panic while trapped in the elevator leads to a spark neither expected. Getting out is the least of the challenges they’ll face if they want to try to put their differences aside and find out if love is possible between a city boy and a country boy.

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Sandy and Nick grew up in the same town but in different worlds. Sandy was bullied for being a geek and gay, even though he never came out. Nick was the jock with all the popularity that goes with it but a secret that was holding him back from being who he truly is. Nick wished he was able to be himself because what he wanted more than anything was to kiss the cutest boy he had ever seen. Can city boy, Sandy, and country boy, Nick, find their way to common ground and fall in love after a past incident caused pain and distance between them?

The story starts at five years after a fateful day in high school that pushed these two apart and outed Nick. Nick has found his place on a farm, even if he has to deal with all the crazy guests (and Mr. Peacock) during wedding season, found a house to make a home, and friends that have his back as an out gay man in the South. Sandy moved to Memphis as soon as he could after high school was over and found a job that he loves. He loves living in the city and can’t imagine living anywhere else.

I loved the cute way these two finally catch up to each other after years of Sandy running in the opposite direction anytime Nick was near. I think I got butterflies in my belly along with Sandy when that happened! Who knew a Bass Pro shop is the perfect place to meet the man of your dreams? Sandy is this guy who has grown into a more self-assured man who knows what he wants and won’t let anyone walk all over him. Nick is a down-to-earth country boy who loves where his life is. Roscoe, his puppy, fills a special place in his heart and his only hope is that someday someone like Sandy could fill the rest.

These two are fun and sexy together and I wish the story had been longer so that we could’ve grew that connection with the characters more slowly while they were on their journey. The dates were fun especially the camping trip where Sandy went out of his comfort zone to do something Nick clearly wanted him to do. As much as I loved the slow build between these two I was slightly disappointed with the switch to epilogue and the epilogue itself. Yes they are together but not in a solid enough way for me to call it more than a HFN. I still loved the story and I have tons of hope that the author actually writes about Lonnie, Sandy’s best friend and roommate!

I do recommend this story if you are looking for a sweet, romantic story where two opposite men try to find common ground in order to build a future together. M.A. Church is one of my favorite writers and I love the men she created with this one!


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Contest ends November 30th.

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