For today's Author Saturday Spotlight we have the talented Riley Hart, who also writes under Nyrae Dawn. She's here talking with us about books, of course. We have an interview where I learned a few things myself, we look at her work, and close it down with a great giveaway! So, hang out for awhile and enjoy.

Shane Wallace has made a decent life for himself in Last Chance. He built his own home on his mom’s property to take care of her, owns an automotive repair shop, and when he wants to get laid, Portland isn’t too far away. Not too shabby for the boy who spent his childhood getting bullied and feeling alone. Shane’s content to leave his past behind him...until one of his childhood tormentors comes back to town.
Maxwell Sullivan never planned to step foot in Last Chance again. Here, he was Maxwell, a teen who suffered in silence while everyone thought he had the perfect life. Now, he’s “Van,” the erotic artist and photographer. He’s only here to help his mom tie up some loose ends after his father’s death and to apologize to Shane. After that, he’s heading back to LA for good.
Shane never thought he’d have anything in common with Maxwell, but there’s a depth to Van that surprises him. Van knows what it feels like to be alone. He sees Shane in ways no one else does. There’s a shared connection neither can deny. Somehow, despite their rocky history, they get each other.
It’s not long before the two are so drawn to each other that they tumble into bed—sometimes with Van’s camera involved. Their chemistry in and out of the bedroom is undeniable. Except nothing is ever black and white. Shane can’t leave his mom and Van’s life is in LA. With two different lives pulling them in opposite directions, their picture-perfect ending might not be in the cards.

I’m not used to anyone having the upper hand over me, and in a single night, Sean Wright rescues me twice. That’s why he intrigues me—why for the first time, I want another man. I’m used to getting what I want, and I don’t plan to let anything stop me. Only…he continues to get the best of me, and it only makes me want him more. When I start to see Sean’s not just good looks, hot sex, and constant competition, I realize I’m in over my head…and I might like it. He makes me laugh and he understands the pain I feel over my past, a pain we share. Even more than that, somehow, Sean *gets* me, but I’m not going to lie and pretend that giving my heart doesn’t scare me.
The night I rescued the presumably straight Ethan Harris…twice, I figured that would be the last time I saw him. However, he keeps finding his way back into my life and into my bed. Guess he wasn’t as straight as I thought. Ethan’s full of surprises, though, and being bi is just one of them. As cocky as he can be, he’s also sharp and witty...and even when he’s being his most arrogant self, he’s charming as hell. He likes to win, but so do I. However, as we get to know each other, I realize there’s more to us than the games we play in and out of the bedroom. It’s a game neither of us have played before—one we could both wind up losing. And with our hearts on the line, the real question is, when push comes to shove, are we both UP FOR THE CHALLENGE?

Ben Emerson has lived by his minister father’s rules most of his life. Born into an ultra-conservative church community, he’s finally brave enough to break free and move to San Francisco. Distancing himself certainly helps create a new mindset, but living as an openly gay man takes some getting used to. When he reaches out to Xavier, a childhood friend who lives in the city, Ben isn’t sure how he’ll respond given their thorny history. Ben hopes the familiar connection will help him right some wrongs as well as provide the solace he’s been craving.
Xavier Ramos is who he is, and he doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks. Whether it’s eyeliner, nail polish, tattoos or his love of hooking up, he uses his body as a form of self-expression but doesn’t let anyone get too close. When Ben reenters his life, Xavier helps him experience the city and feel comfortable in his own skin. Seeing the world through Ben’s eyes, he begins to wonder if he’s also not living as freely as he thought.
When Xavier challenges Ben’s beliefs about sex, it becomes explosive—for both of them. Xavier breaks apart Ben’s sheltered world and shows him what it’s like to live out loud. The more time they spend together, the more Xavier begins to long for Ben in a different way—one that both surprises and scares him. But real life doesn’t fade into the background, so when Ben’s past comes knocking, old habits are hard to break. Testing the foundation of their deepening connection will take a trust that will either bind them…or tear them apart.

Thank you, Riley, for hanging out with me today and answering some questions. You’ve been doing this gig for a long time so I’m sure you have some writing and other tricks up your sleeve.
Haha! I don’t know about that! I wish I had some good tricks ;) Thank you though. I’m happy to be here.
You write under Riley Hart and Nyrae Dawn. What’s the difference between a Riley book and a Nyrae book?
Riley books are adult romance—more explicit content, most of the time but not all the time. These are men who are more settled into careers, though. They’ve been around a bit so they’re typically dealing with a different kind of issue than the men in my NA as Nyrae. While those have sexy times too (some more than others. My latest Nyrae is pretty hot), the characters are usually early twenties, often college age. They’re just sort of figuring out who they are and what they want. I also write young adult as Nyrae and male/female as Nyrae, but I only write male/male as Riley.
What was your very first published work and how do you feel you’ve grown since then?
Under any name? That’s tough…as you said, I’ve been around a long time. I used to write under another name and I had some interracial romances with a small press publishing house. If we’re just talking Riley, then it was COLLIDE. For Nyrae, it’s WHAT A BOY WANTS. I feel like I’ve grown SO much since my first books. I think the more we write, the better we typically get and the more we want to spread our wings and try new things. I feel a lot more confident in my skin when I’m writing than I used to.
You’re attending GRL this year. What can your fans look forward to seeing from you…. work wise of course?
I’m doing a Q&A session with Devon McCormack. I’ll also be doing two author lounge sessions where we have more of a chance to talk one on one. The author signing is Saturday and then I’m a sponsor of the party Saturday night!
What is a subgenre you’d love to tackle that you haven’t yet?
I really wish I could write paranormal. I would LOVE to…but me and world building and fight scenes don’t get along real well. Haha. I would also love to write some kind of…FBI/cop book but again, all that bad guy stuff isn’t my strong point. I’m very much a character writer.
When collaborating with another author, what makes this so successful and what can make it fizzle?
I’ve been very lucky. I haven’t had the fizzle. I think you need to take collaborating very seriously. Be very picky about who you do it with. The voices need to go well together but not be too similar. You have to be able to be honest with each other, respect each other and like each other. LOL. It’s like a relationship in a lot of ways. Give and take.
Since you’ve written so many, name three books of yours you’d love to see hit theaters?
Broken Pieces, Depth of Field and I would LOVE for the Metropolis series to be a TV or internet series. I’m cheating here and doing three under each name. LOL. For Nyrae, hands down, Turn the World Upside Down and The History of Us. My last choice would be Façade which is a m/f but it’s one of my favorite books I’ve ever written.
Can you tell us what you’re currently working on or future work?
The second book in the Last Chance series (book one is Depth of Field). It’s Caleb and Ryan’s story and tentatively titled Color Me In.
Can you tell us one of your favorite fan moments?
Honestly? Most of those are when I get an email or a message from a reader who tells me one of my books has touched them personally for whatever reason. I’ve had someone tell me one of my books helped them come out. Those messages always touch me deeply.
How can readers find you in the world? Facebook, twitter, website…
Coffee or hot chocolate? coffee
Dogs or cats? dogs
Favorite color? purple
Favorite flower? Tulip
Where do you like to write? In my office at home or Panera
Best comfort food? Homemade soup
Mixed drinks, beer, or wine? mixed drinks.
Thank you, Riley, for talking with me!
Thanks for having me!
Riley Hart is gifting one person a signed paperback
copy of any one of her books.
This is restricted to the US.
Please fill out the rafflecopter below.
Contest will end on October 6th
Thank you!