Friday, June 24, 2016

Release Day Review: A Dandelion for Tulip by R. Cooper #Review #Giveaway

Author: R. Cooper
Book: A Dandelion for Tulip
(Being (s) in Love Book 6)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Publication Date: June 24, 2016
Length: 168 pages

Reviewed by Morningstar


David is in love with Tulip, a kind and unusually quiet fairy in his social circle. But everyone knows Tulip doesn’t date humans. David tells himself he is happy to be Tulip’s friend, because he doesn’t believe a fairy could love him and Tulip has never tried to “keep him”—as fairies refer to relationships with humans.

Fairies are drawn to David, describing his great “shine,” but David knows only too well how quickly fairies can forget humans, and thinks he’s destined to be alone. He can’t see his own brilliance or understand how desperately Tulip wants him, even if Tulip believes David can do better.

But exhausted and more than a little tipsy at a Christmas party, David makes his feelings too obvious for Tulip to deny any longer. Because of a past heartbreak involving a human, Tulip is convinced someone as shiny as David could never want a “silly, stupid fairy” in his life. Now, if he wants to keep David, he’ll have to be as brave as his shiny, careful human.

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Beings in Love series is one of my favorite ones mainly because of the range of characters and beings that they are you get within it. But also because of R. Cooper’s writing style with each story. This story is about two men who believe the other can do better but really are just meant to be for each other.

David has been in love with Tulip for years but knows that for some reason Tulip doesn’t date humans. David is this super sweet and “shiny” man who loves his job being a teacher’s assistant and doctoral student but he overworks himself in order to avoid the emptiness of his heart and the pain of rejection. He has loved and lost in the past and doesn’t think any fairy could love him no matter how shiny they tell him he is. Because he is just David, no one special, at least to him.

Tulip doesn’t trust humans to want to keep a silly fairy like him so as much as he loves David he keeps him at arm's length in order to let David find someone to love. Not that that makes his love for David diminish but what does happen is Tulip starts to lose his sparkle.

What I loved most about this story wasn’t the fairies and sparkle and shine, even though that was freaking great, it was the secondary characters that the authors introduces us too. My favorite was Flor a young fairy that is a best friend to David. He was lively and fierce and loved David. I did feel that a couple of scenes were confusing without getting Tulips POV because they were about Tulip’s feelings so it would
have given us a better understanding earlier on but overall having only David’s POV was perfectly fine. I have a feeling that the next book in this story is going to be about Clematis which will be so great to see!!


Enter the monthly review giveaway
Contest ends June 30th!

Thank you!


  1. Faeries are becoming popular again, and I love it! I've already read so many books this month, but I've yet to dust off my digital copy of Absinthe of Malice.

  2. Retribution- Sloane Kennedy, Absinthe of Malice - Rhys Ford, Practice Makes Perfect - Jay Northcote.
