Thursday, June 16, 2016

Audiobook Review: Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford~ Narrator: Spencer Goss #Review #Giveaway

Author: Rhys Ford
Narrator: Spencer Goss
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Publication date: March 24, 2016
Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Reviewed by Erin


Deacon Reid was born bad to the bone with no intention of changing. A lifetime of law-bending and living on the edge suits him just fine, until his baby sister dies and he finds himself raising her little girl.
Staring down a family history of bad decisions and reaped consequences, Deacon cashes in everything he owns, purchases an auto shop in Half Moon Bay, and takes his niece, Zig, far away from the drug dens and murderous streets they grew up on. Zig deserves a better life than what he had, and Deacon is determined to give it to her.
Lang Harris is stunned when Zig, a little girl in combat boots and a purple tutu, blows into his bookstore, and then he's left speechless when her uncle, Deacon Reid, walks in hot on her heels. Lang always played it safe, but Deacon tempts him to step over the line...just a little bit.
More than a little bit. And Lang is willing to be tempted.
Unfortunately, Zig isn't the only bit of chaos dropped into Half Moon Bay. Violence and death strike, leaving Deacon scrambling to fight off a killer before he loses not only Zig but Lang too.

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Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford is the first book in her new Half Moon Bay series and it's also narrator Spencer Goss's audio debut. I'd say both of them knocked this book out of the park. Fish Stick Fridays is told in Rhys Ford's signature style ... mayhem, murder, with so much love flowing it's palpable. In this instance, we have the love Deacon has for his niece, Zig,  the love Deacon and Lang come to share, Zig's love of reading and of Lang's two cats, not to mention her adorable and quirky love of tutu's. This book was so fabulous. It's got this noire vibe going on--maybe due to the setting in Half Moon Bay where the mists and rain are ever present. Or more accurately, due to Rhys Ford's expert storytelling and her absolute mastery of setting a scene.

And I'll tell you what. Spencer Goss totally made the audio version of this book even better than reading it the first time. He positively nailed Zig's voice. Her take no shit attitude coupled with hints of vulnerability present in any little girl who's had her world turned upside down came through loud and clear in his narration. His voice is, for lack of anything better to say, just dreamy. The tone, the inflections, the different emphasis he gave each character, the subtle nuances only the best of the best seem to hit every time, he just got everything right. As much as I loved Zig, Deacon is the one that really stole the show for me. Goss's portrayal of him really brought him to life. His strength, his goodness, his gruff but so very tender side ... I just fell in love with him all over again. And oh, man, is he ever sexy, too?!

Fish Stick Fridays is on the top of my list to listen to over and over again. I can't wait to see what Goss (and Ford) come up with next.


Enter the monthly review giveaway
contest ends June 30th. Thanks


  1. Waiting impatiently for Rhys Ford's "Absinthe of Malice"!

  2. can't wait for Absinthe of Malice and Smoke & Mirrors!

  3. can't wait for Absinthe of Malice and Smoke & Mirrors!
