Sunday, July 31, 2016

Random Reviews... The Pirate of Fathoms Deep #Review #Giveaway

Author: Megan Derr
Book: The Pirate of Fathoms Deep
Series: Tales of the High Court (Book 2)
Publisher: Less Than Three Press
Publication date: July 12, 2016
Length: 206 pages

Reviewed by Meredith


High Commander Lesto Arseni is the most feared man in the Harken Empire. None but the High King dares risk his wrath—and a pirate who once punched him in the middle of the imperial pavilion. A pirate who later snuck away with Lesto to an empty room, touched him in ways far more memorable. And then immediately bolted like a man who'd gotten what he wanted.

Shemal just wants to live a normal life, leave his pirating days behind him and prove that he's respectable now. The last thing he needs is the two idiots who show up wanting his help with the noble they've kidnapped—the very man Shemal had been hoping to prove himself to, the man he hasn't forgotten since Shemal punched him a year and a half ago.

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I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was about reading this book. Book one: The High King’s Golden Tongue was one of the best books I’ve ever read so when book two, The Pirate of Fathoms Deep, came out I had to read it immediately.

We finally get to read High Commander Lesto Arseni’s story with his pirate lover Shemal! We saw them in the first book and we were left wanting to know what was to come of their hot, but fleeting, affair! Well, we do. Time has gone by and they're face to face, after all this time, isn’t perfect.  Lesto is dropped on Shemal’s doorstep by halfwit kidnappers thinking he’ll help them. Shemal is on the straight and narrow and has been pining for Lesto. He immediately chooses to help him.

This was a very rich man poor man trope which is a top favorite for me. I LOVED how Lesto wanted to shower Shemal with all the things. Shemal having a hard time understanding why Lesto would want someone like him was utterly heartbreaking. It made Lesto have to work harder.

Megan Derr is an exceptional writer, one of the best in this genre without a doubt. I’ve yet to read a book of hers that hasn’t blown me away. Her creativity is vast and her writing is breathtaking. Read this book… read book one first but then read this! All the WOWS!


Enter the monthly review giveaway!
This month it's a Swag Pack!
Check it out!

You get:

A journal
InkJoy Papermate pens
Page markers
Binder clips

Contest will end on August 30th!


  1. i read the new one by AE moon 3

  2. I've read soooo many, as you know, but some of my favs are The Arrangement by Felice Stevens, Protecting Braden by Luna David, Necromancer's Dilemma by SJ Himes, Retribution by Sloane Kennedy, and Not a Game by Cardeno C. All so different but excellent to get lost in!

  3. I've read scads, but amazing...i really don't know. I enjoyed JL Merrow's Blow Down, and Josh Lanyon has a new one just out called Night Watch (but it's super short). I liked I Hate Summer by HT Pantu. I've DNF'd quite a few.
