Sunday, July 17, 2016

Promotional Post: Always You by Aimee Nicole Walker #Review #Giveaway

Author: Aimee Nicole Walker
Book: Always You
Series: Fated hearts (Book 6)
Self Published
Publication date: June 14, 2016
Length: 221 pages

Reviewed by Meredith


I’d often felt lost in the shadow of my older brother, Sebastian Blake. People either ran from me in fear or tried to use me to get to him. In my struggle to forge my own path, I’d taken a wrong turn a time or two, which nearly cost me my life. It’s true that what doesn’t kill you can make you stronger, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t filled with self-doubt and questioned my worthiness of being loved.

The minute I met Tomas Sarantos, I knew there was something special between us. I felt a connection to him that I’d never felt with anyone else, but I sadly watched the heat fade from his eyes the minute he learned who I was. My only choices were to accept his offer of friendship or nothing at all.

Tom became the best friend I’d ever had and I fell deeper in love with him every day. I died a little bit inside every time he talked about the love he was hoping to find and the family he wanted to have with someone else. My heart screamed at me to tell him that his search was over and that I was right there in front of him. Yet, I held my tongue and battled myself daily for over a year to hide my feelings from him. I lacked the courage to make a move, no matter how tired I was of denying my feelings for him.

* * *

I finally had everything I’d dreamed of when I accepted the position of CFO at Blake Industries – well, almost everything. I still hadn’t found the man I wanted to build a life with, until I met Wesley King. He was everything I ever wanted, but he was also the one I could never have. Dating in the workplace was risky enough, but falling in love with the CEO’s only brother was professional suicide. Too bad my heart wasn’t in agreement.

Wesley became the most important person in my life, the one I shared everything with except the one thing I wanted to give him – my heart. For an entire year, I tried to talk myself out of loving him and focused my efforts on finding someone attainable. I probably set a world record for dating disasters and all that I accomplished was to make me want Wesley even more.

Then life threw me a curveball and made me reevaluate everything. I could either take a chance that Wesley still felt the spark I once saw in him or continue on being miserable in the “friend zone.” It would either be the happiest time of my life or the most mortifying, but I’d never know unless I tried.

* * *

Always You is the sixth book in the Fated Hearts series. It can be read as part of the series or as a standalone novel. Always You also includes the return of Sebastian and Adam Blake from the novel Only You.


Book 6 of Aimee Nicole Walker’s Fated Hearts Series has us falling in love with Wesley and Tomas. Now you should know, Wesley is Sebastian’s brother. Sebastian is from Aimee’s book Only You. I actually never read that book and didn’t know who Wesley was. But that said it had no impact on this story. I didn’t feel like I had to read Only You to get the feelings I did. I will say that I’ll be reading Only You at some point because Sebastian is fabulous!

Wesley comes from a very broken past. But he’s a fighter and when Tomas enters his life it only gets better from there. 

Tomas and Wesley both have big loving fantastic family and friends. It brought a warmth to this story. Even when these guys faced the darkest times the hum of support felt throughout the book was loud. I was constantly finding myself whispering, “It’ll be okay.” And of course it was.
I’ve said it a hundred times I’ll say it again; Aimee loves a happy ending but don’t expect the road to HEAS to be smooth.

This story deals with a great amount of things. Addiction and depression were the biggest factors at play here. Both dangerous and need to be made aware of. Both can have devastating results or hopeful ones. We see in Always You the good ending and the bad ending of addiction and depression.
Tomas and Wesley work hard for everything they have and though they are willing to work to the bones for each other, they never have to. Their love is effortless.
This is another gorgeous story by Aimee Nicole Walker.


Aimee is gifting one person a $25.00 Amazon gift card!
Fill out the rafflecopter below to be entered to win!
Contest ends July  24th.
Thank you.


  1. I love love the Fated Hearts series. They get better and better with each book!!

  2. I haven't read any of Aimee's books yet. Thank you for the review; I had been considering buying this one, but clearly didn't read the earlier book so wasn’t sure if I needed to.

  3. This sounds like my kind of story!

  4. I could never pick just one of Aimee's books as a favorite, I love them all! And in my mind, they all go together!

  5. I love the fated heart series.. I love them all to much to pick one .

  6. I haven't read any of Aimee's book yet but they sounds so good I've put them on my wihs list.

  7. Only You, it was my first book by her and I remember the cover was captivating. Great book.

  8. My first (and favourite) was Perfect Fit (yeah I was a little late to the Aimee Nicole Party... but I caught up!

  9. If I have to choose just one I would say Perfect Fit. JJ and Miller just made me so happy. But all of Aimee's books are so incredibly amazing that I have reread them all many times!

  10. If I have to choose just one I would say Perfect Fit. JJ and Miller just made me so happy. But all of Aimee's books are so incredibly amazing that I have reread them all many times!

  11. I haven't read any of Aimee's books yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm always interested in finding new authors...

  12. I love The Fated Hearts series. I have Only You but not read it yet.

  13. Chasing Mr . Wright...I love Fated hearts series, but the first book is my fav!

  14. Surrender Your Heart definitely!
