Monday, September 19, 2016

Blog Tour: Gambling on Love by Jane Davitt #Review #Giveaway

Author: Jane Davitt
Book: Gambling on Love
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Publication date: September 19, 2016
Length: 267 pages

Reviewed by Erin


When Gary and Abe came out to each other in their final year of high school, a longstanding friendship turned into a new love. Keeping their feelings a secret was easy until a coach caught them together in the locker room, and their fragile relationship shattered around them. Panicked, angry, and rejected by his mother, Gary fled town, breaking Abe’s eighteen-year-old heart.

Eleven years later Gary returns just as unexpectedly, crashing into Abe's truck during a blizzard. He’s as arrogant and stubborn as ever—and just as irresistible. Time has changed them both in ways they never imagined, but the heat that flares between them is enough to thaw any ice.

While Abe discovers what Gary did to survive in the city, Gary realizes that Abe has grown into a man with needs to match his own, and they fall in love all over again. But Gary’s determination to carry out one final order from the rich, older man he lived with—and obeyed—for years means that a dead man's plans might split them apart again . . . this time for keeps.

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Jane Davitt was one of the first M/M authors I ever read. I still remember the book, Truthful Change, vividly to this day. So when I saw the blurb for this book, even though it's a re-release, I was so excited to read something new from her. I'm disappointed to say that Gambling on Love didn't live up to my expectations, not even close. 

I never read the first edition, so even though there is a disclaimer in the beginning of the book that states this version has been heavily revised I can't comment on that but to say that while this book was first published over five years ago, the story line doesn't feel dated. That's definitely a plus because really, there's not much else to praise. With a Jane Davitt book, you know you're going to get some hot sex scenes, and more than likely they'll be kinky, so that was another plus. She writes sex very well. In this case, it would have helped infinitely if I'd liked either character very much but unfortunately both Abe and Gary were fairly unlikable. Second chance love stories are my go to kind of books, and when they involve best friends to lovers, even better. That's what really caught my attention in the blurb. 

The thing that kept me from really connecting to either Gary or Abe was their lack of chemistry. I know they're supposed to be together, but I could never really figure out why. Gary spends the majority of the time talking about his ex-lover, Peter, who is also dead, and Abe is such a pushover it's really off-putting. I also didn't like the fact that these two were the sole characters of the book. Yes, Peter is discussed, more than necessary, but other than that, it's almost exclusively Gary and Abe. Secondary characters always add depth to the story and that just wasn't present here. The excruciatingly slow pace did this book no favors either. 

All in all, this one was a huge miss for me. It might just be a case of me and not the book, so if you're so inclined, give this one a try and see what you think. 

 About the Author

Jane Davitt is English, and has been living in Canada with her husband, two children, and two cats, since 1997. Writing and reading are her main occupations but if she ever had any spare time she might spend it gardening, walking, or doing cross stitch. She's recently taken up yoga and loves discovering her ability to bend.

Jane has been writing since 2002 and wishes she'd started earlier. She is a huge fan of SF, fantasy, erotica, and mystery novels and has a tendency to get addicted to TV shows that get cancelled all too soon.

She owns over 4,000 books, rarely gives any away, but is happy to loan them, and is of the firm opinion that there is no such thing as "too many books."

Connect with Jane:


To celebrate the release of Gambling on Love, one lucky winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card and four individuals will also receive their choice of one ebook from Jane’s backlist. That’s FIVE winners total! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on September 24, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today!

  2. Thanks for the review. It's too bad the book did not work for you...


  3. Thanks for the review! I have it in my tbr list.

  4. I appreciate the honest review!


  5. Thank you for sharing your opinion of the story. The books sounds interesting but chemistry is so important.
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  6. The cover is gorgeous! I haven't read the first edition so will love the chance to read the second one


  7. Thanks for your review

  8. Thank you for the review.
    ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com

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