Friday, August 25, 2017

Random Review: Switching Through The Forest With Me by Johnny Williams #Review #Giveaway

Author: Johnny Williams
Book: Switching Through The Forest With Me
Self Published
Publication Date: July 18, 2017
Length: 159 pages

Reviewed by Meredith


Joshua is preparing for his 16th birthday. He's not only going to tell his parents he's gay, but he's going to introduce them to his boyfriend at his party.

On the flip side, his family is preparing for his 16th birthday also. They're going to tell him there's a chance he could be a Shifter. (In their family, if he has the curse, they turn into Werecats).

BUT, there's also a 1 in a 100% chance he could be a wild card Shifter. Called a Switcher. Then all bets are off. Because Switchers have no idea what they will become. EVER.

And, if he does become a Switcher... every night, at 9 PM (Hey, don't ask me, that's the time his family shifts) he will change form. Man, animal, woman, whatever. He will never look the same again.

Life will never be the same for Joshua. Or for his relationship, if he is that wild card. Or his family.

Be ready to laugh

My YA offering, a gay comedy love story.


Switching Through The Forest With Me is a YA comedy from author Johnny Williams. I've read his work before and it never fails to make me laugh. In this, I would say I laughed even more than ever. It's wildly creative, massively fun, and hilarious.

Joshua is sixteen and ready to tell his family he's gay! But his family has a surprise for him instead. He is likely a shifter. Well, as you can imagine that throws Joshua for a loop and in doing so makes for a crazy adventure.

There's a fabulous twist to this shifter story because Joshua never knows what he will turn into. One night he's a squirrel and another night he's a woman, and another night he's.... well you get it. As a reader I was always curious what would happen at 9PM. What would Joshua be?

Johnny Williams truly masters comedy in any genre. This being YA I feel he's sharing his talent with a wider audience. You can be 13 or 93 and positively love this book. You have to enjoy good old fashion humor and be ready to step into a magical, nutty world.

I very much recommend this book if you're looking for something that will make you feel good.


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a $10.00 Amazon gift card!
Ends August 31st!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blurb. This is a new author fore me. i appreciate the review =)
