Monday, October 31, 2016

Random Review: Another Way Series by Anna Martin #Review #Giveaway

Author: Anna Martin
Book Series: Another Way
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Publication date: September 23, 2016
Length: 570 pages

Reviewed by Morningstar


Follow Jesse and Will through the years as their relationship grows. In Another Way, Jesse Ross seems happy with his college sweetheart and normal life, but on the side, he’s having an affair with Dom Will Anderson. When Will admits to wanting more, Jesse has to admit the truth, to himself and to everyone around him. Three years later, in Of Being Yours, and Will and Jesse appear to have a happy relationship, but an accident exposes the cracks in their foundation. Can they get over the trauma and piece their lives, and love, back together? In To Say I Love You, Jesse and Will have come through life’s ups and downs stronger and happier, but the unexpected death of Jesse’s mom upsets their happy-ever-after yet again. Back in Jesse’s hometown and struggling to reconcile their relationship with Jesse’s family, can they find their way back to the romance they’ve been fighting for all these years?

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I am a big fan of Anna Martin’s writing and her stories so given the chance to jump on and read her BDSM story about Jesse and Will of course I did it. This is not the typical BDSM story because it starts with  Dom/sub that are  not in a relationship, in fact Jesse has a fiancé and has never been with a man until Will. Through his last Mistress, who had to step down as his Domme due to life, he is how he met Will, his now Dom.

Another Way
This was a difficult story for these two men. Will wanted more from Jesse than just what they had and Jesse was unsure of taking that step. Mostly, even though he knew in his heart he was no longer in love with his fiancé, he had to be sure that being a relationship with a man is something he could do. Through much of the story it was this journey that we were going through with them while still continuing the BDSM portion that they had always had. Typically I cannot stand to read about cheating in stories, but while there was cheating, in this story Anna wrote in a way that you had a greater understanding and a sense of compassion in to why Jesse acted the way he did. In the end, I was able to see Jesse as much a victim as his fiancé. He lived with his desires and needs for BDSM and knew that Adele would never understand the why’s of his needs, much like he himself didn’t know why he needed it. 

I was immediately sucked into this story and the characters struggle to find the happy place where both Will and Jesse were getting what they needed. It wasn’t an angsty read but it also wasn’t a walk in the park. They had to work hard for they wanted which was great to see because it made it all the more worth it as the end. There was one or two inconsistencies from Jesse’s POV on his feelings on somethings. Early in the book he said one thing and later the opposite about his past. It wasn’t a big thing and maybe most wouldn’t even notice but it didn’t take away from the overall enjoyment of their story. The BDSM played huge part of this story and it evolved as they evolved within the confines and changes of their relationship. I love that it wasn’t an easy transition for them and it made me love them even more for it. It was an very sexy and sensual part of who they were and that sensuality carried over into the non BDSM part of who they were as well. I truly loved the first book in this book!

Of Being Yours
This story is three years after Jesse and Will finally find their way through finding their happy after changing their relationship from purely a BDSM one to a combination of the BDSM and romance they have now. I was happy to jump back in with these two men to see how they are in life but I was a little taken aback from the fall out of the car accident. It was a complete surprise that the accident happened but the fallout felt off somehow. Like it didn’t feel like them or even a completely appropriate response to something like that. But I am all for the idea that not everyone will come out of something like that reacting the way we always expect them too.  As much as this portion of the story had me questioning the story I kept reading because I love these characters and wanted to see how Anna brought them out of it.

I loved that she had them to go to therapy since fixing something that ended up so broken would not be easy. You get to see Jesse flounder a bit here but come through with a strength I knew he had inside of him, which was truly wonderful to see. There was less kink in this one due to the upheaval but the parts that were there had purpose and showed them trying to explore new parts of themselves. I was overall happy with the story especially with the additional side story of Mistress Laura and her issues at home which I thought was handled perfectly for those characters.

To Say I Love You
This story is takes place six years from the start of Jesse and Will’s sometimes difficult romance. As always Anna’s writing style is beautiful and how she writes these two men with such emotion that you feel connected to them even after all this time. And as much as I wanted to get back to seeing Jesse and Will, to experience that emotion with them again, I always find it difficult to read three books about the same couple. It always makes me feel like the author has to find reasons to give them a obstacle to overcome. This is very much a personal preference and many have and will find this to be no problem.

While I love Anna Martin’s writing and will continue to read her this book didn’t do much for me. In this one Jesse goes through a tragedy and loss within his family, one that I did not see coming, that Will and him end up moving down to Georgia temporarily to help his family. Through this loss the couple end up going through a bit of a culture shock and dealing with people who aren’t good with them being gay, something they typically didn't have to deal with back home in Seattle. Will his Jesse’s ultimate support which what they have gone through previously their strength together does not shock me it actually warms my heart.

Overall I loved the first two books more than the last but that is a personal view more than anything wrong with the writing because it's Anna Martin and her writing style can never go wrong with me. She always gives me in depth characters that a root for right from the start and complex stories that I love to read. One of the things that always stood out to me in her writing style was the tone and emotion embedded in every word she writes. Not just in this story but every story.


Enter the monthly review giveaway!
Contest ends November 30th!


  1. I love Anna Martin and I love reading series. Another Way will be on my TBR list.

  2. I am looking forward to way to many books!! I feel like every month there is another great books coming out!!

  3. I am looking forward to holiday stories to start coming out, such as Freckles by Amy Lane.
