Saturday, March 16, 2019

In The Hot Seat: Taylor Rylan #Giveaway

We are excited to have author Taylor Rylan here in the hot seat this week. She's answering fast fire questions and telling you where you can find her in the interwebs and where to buy her awesome books. She also has an amazing giveaway at the end so be sure to check it out!!!

Fast Fire Questions

What is one thing you are deathly afraid of? (One word)

One place in the whole world you would want to visit?

Where do you do most of your writing? (one or two words)

One trope you will never write? (One word)

The first LGBT book you ever read?
 Always by Kindle Alexander

Favorite animal? (One word)

Favorite part about being an author? (One sentence please)
 Setting my own hours/time line/release schedule. 

If only one fast food restaurant won the franchise war, which would you like to see still standing?
 Five Guys 

Can you tell us what events, conferences, signings you’ll be at this year? (List dates and places)
 None. I will be at GRL from Oct 15th -20th, but I’m going as a reader. Unless I get pulled from the waitlist 😊
Which one of your books resonates with you the most? (just the title)
Disarming My Destiny

If you weren’t an author what would you have loved to be doing for a living? ( one sentence) 
I have my MBA and a minor in Marketing and I absolutely love working in marketing.

The Men of Crooked Bend Series is what started it all for me and it’s seems I’m having a difficult time letting those men go! It was originally supposed to be a trilogy but it's up to nine books now and the tenth and final book is planned for June! In the Men of Crooked Bend series, you get to know the cowboys and other men of Wild Creek Ranch in Crooked Bend, Wyoming (a totally fictitious town). The series is set in the foothills of the Grand Teton Mountains, a place I fell in love with as a teenager.
I have a closely related spin-off series called Sulfur Springs. In it you leave Wild Creek and go to the little neighbor town of Sulfur Springs and meet the sexy men of the Sulfur Springs Fire Depart as well as quite a few US Marshals. You see some familiar faces but you also meet some very new ones. It’s currently up to four books with at least three or four more planned.

I love to read, it’s always been one of my favorite things to do since I can remember. When I started writing, I couldn't decide if I wanted to write contemporary or paranormal as I love both. I chose contemporary but still, paranormal was talking to me and those darn shifters kept saying, “tell our story, it’ll be fun.” So I did. And it was. That’s how I started my Honey Creek Den series. Honey Creek is another totally fictitious town set on Flathead Lake (a real place) in Montana. I've never been there, but hope to get there at some point.
Honey Creek Den is up to five books, and the sixth and final book in that series will be released in April 2019. After, I’ll pick back up with the Timber Valley Wolf Pack because everyone wants to meet Forest’s brothers, right?

When I'm not busy writing about cowboys, architects, sheriffs, firefighters, US Marshals, bears, tigers, or warlocks (to name just a few), I like to read (who doesn't?). Because of my limited free time, I’m fond of short stories and novellas. I’m mom to three busy teenagers who are determined to be in every activity imaginable it seems. And a cat named Lucky that we’re positive is an alien that was sent to spy on us 😉
I can be found on Amazon, Book Bub, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Her Links


Taylor is offering one person a $10.00
Amazon gift card!
Simply fill out the rafflecopter below!
Contest ends March 22nd


  1. Love the questions...Taylor's a new author for me

  2. I love all of her books they are amazing stories that you cannot put down once you start them.So glad that I found her through other authors on Facebook.

  3. I’ve always wanted to go to Greece too!! Also love her books!

  4. Tell us a book of Taylor's you love or want to read?
    New author for me so I want to try all the things LOL

  5. Love the Fast Fire Questions. Taylor is a new-to-me author so I don't have a favorite yet, but the Neko series sounds good.

  6. I have some of Taylors books but haven't read them yet so many books and not enough time. I do like the name "Honey Creek Den"

  7. Taylor is a new to me author
    I'd love to read the Honey Creek Den series

  8. If I was afraid of the ocean, I'd have a very hard time because I've never lived more than a few minutes walk from it. I haven't started Taylor's books yet, but I'll probably start at the beginning.

  9. I haven't read any books by this author yet. I'm not sure which book I would pick but I think I might want to start with one of her shifter stories.

  10. Taylor is new to me. I would love to read any of the stories.

  11. Thanks for being in the hot seat. Taylor is new to me, too. I like westerns, and the Men at Crooked Bend series sounds interesting.

  12. My Love, My Valentine has a gorgeous cover. That's probably the one I'd choose to read first.
