Saturday, March 9, 2019

Feature Post: In the Hot Seat: Brigham Vaughn #Giveaway

Today on Diverse Reader begins a brand new feature called In The Hot Seat! Our first victim err I mean author taking the chair is Brigham Vaughn. She will answer fast fire questions, talk about her books, and she has a wonderful giveaway at the end so I hope you enjoy.


In one word describe the genre you write in?
- Exciting!

You’re at a bar, you can only drink one type of beverage for the whole night. What do you order?
-          Gin & Tonic

Hardest part about writing (answer in one sentence)
-          There are always a thousand things to do so figuring out time management and focusing on the most critical one is a challenge.

Easiest part about writing (answer in one sentence)
-          Coming up with ideas is easy, I always have more stories than I have time to write them.

Day or night?
-          Night

Without explanation post a date that is important to you.
-          September 1, 2015

Yes or no only: Do you feel men are fetishized in the M/M genre?
-          Yes

When you’re looking for a book to read what’s the first trope you look at?
-          May/December

What is one topic you will never write about (answer in a sentence)
-          I have nothing against MPreg but it doesn’t do much for me, so I doubt I’ll get around to writing it.

What is your favorite social media site?
-          Instagram

If you had to get rid of one social media site which would you choose?
-          Twitter

List any signings or conventions you’ll be at in 2019.
 May 3-5: Penguicon in Southfield (Michigan).
June 1st  – Ferndale (Michigan) Pride
June 8th – Book signing in Lansing (Michigan) **Details pending**
June 15th  - Lansing (Michigan) Pride
June 22nd – Book signing in Traverse City (Michigan) **Details pending**
June 29th – Bay City (Michigan) Pride
August 3rd – Ann Arbor (Michigan) Pride 
August 17th – Toledo (Ohio) Pride
October 17th-29th – GRL Albuquerque (New Mexico)

Should romance always have a happily ever after (yes or no only)

Do you write under a pen name, yes or no?

What is a quote you live by?
“Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.” ― Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assasin

Books By Brigham 

Published Work:

Pride Publishing (Totally Entwined Group)

Standalone Short Stories
The Soldier Next Door (also part of the Right Here Right Now Anthology)

Tidal Series w/ K. Evan Coles (Novels)

Speakeasy Series w/ K. Evan Coles (Novels)
With a Twist
Extra Dirty (March 2019)
Behind the Stick (TBD)

Two Peninsulas Press (Self-Published)

Standalone Short Stories
Baby, It’s Cold Inside
Geeks, Nerds, and Cuddles
Love in the Produce Aisle
Not So Suddenly
Seeking Warmth
Sunburns and Sunsets
The French Toast Emergencies

Standalone Novellas
Between the Studs
Corked (Wine Tasting Series Re-release)
Doc Brodie and the Big, Purple, Cat Toy
Three Shots

The Equals Series (Novellas)

Colors Series (Novellas)
A Brighter Palette
The Greenest Isle (March 2019)

The Midwest Series (Novels)
Bully & Exit
Push & Pull

Standalone Novels
The Ghosts Between Us (January 2019 )
Trust the Connection

Off Topic Press (Self-Published w/ K. Evan Coles)

Standalone Short Stories
Inked in Blood



About Brigham and Were To Find Her

Brigham Vaughn is on the adventure of a lifetime as a full-time writer. She devours books at an alarming rate and hasn’t let her short arms and long torso stop her from doing yoga.  She makes a killer key lime pie, hates green peppers, and loves wine tasting tours. A collector of vintage Nancy Drew books and green glassware, she enjoys poking around in antique shops and refinishing thrift store furniture. An avid photographer, she dreams of traveling the world and she can’t wait to discover everything else life has to offer her.

Her books range from short stories to novellas. They explore gay, bisexual, lesbian, and polyamorous romance in contemporary settings.

Social Media

- Blog

 – Newsletter

  - Pinterest


Brigham will be gifting 3 ebooks readers' choice.
Three winner, three ebooks.
Simply, fill out the rafflecopter below
Contest will end March 15th

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  3. I love that she is attending so many conventions.
