Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Random Review: Broken Halo by Michaels Grey #Review #Giveaway

Author: Michaela Grey
Book: Broken Halo
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Publication date: January 30, 2017
Length: 236 pages

Reviewed by Meredith


Micah Ellis is an affluent businessman, comfortable in his life and work, as long as nothing happens to shake up his routine. Which is exactly what one Devon Mallory does, with his bright blue eyes and dirty skin and the forceful personality that’s everything Micah desperately needs but is too afraid to ask for.

Micah and Devon enter into a Dom/sub relationship and navigate the world of BDSM and Micah’s crippling insecurities as they gradually fall in love. But Micah’s past is coming back to haunt him, and they must face it together—and that means learning acceptance and discovering that they both deserve love their way and on their own merits.

 Buy Links


This is the first time I've read Michaela Grey. It's always interesting when reading a new-to-me author because you never know what you'll get. So, I was cautious... Going in I wasn't sure. The cover was very confusing to me. Not so much after I read the book. The manta ray will make sense, I promise.

We deal with a lot in this book. Some I was happy with and some I wasn't.  I loved Devon! He is such an amazing guy. Maybe too nice? I don't know. He's super boyfriend when it comes to Micah and all he does for him. I wanted to squish him 100 times. Devon works so hard at this relationship. Even when he realizes that to calm and center Micah he needs to become a Dom, he jumps right in. 

To be fair he does some research. Now, I think learning BDSM strictly via the internet may be okay for a book report but in practice? Not so much in my opinion. It doesn't really follow the SSC guidelines for BDSM. That very well might have been the author's intentions so I'm not completely clear on that.

Micah was a bit frustrating for me. I adored him in ways but I think when it came down to it, he bothered me too often. His naivety was cute for awhile but his clueless attitude about his manipulative  ( and very creepy) ex pushed it too far. Micah is a smart guy so not seeing it for pretty much the whole book rubbed me the wrong way.

I will say the sex was super hot! No chemistry issues or falling flat there! Scorching for sure. The author knows how to write sex that is not at all monotonous and keeps me engaged. Too often I skim sex scenes but not once in this book.

There's sadness in this book. A long sadness... of course in the end it's all worth it but be ready for an ache!

All in all it was a good book. It had it's flaws but nothing that you can't move from. You need to read it and make your own opinion on it that's for sure.


February's monthly giveaway  
Two ebooks from author Kris Michaels
A Heart's Desire
An Evidence of Magic
(co-authored with Patricia Knight)
Giveaway ends February 28th!



  1. nothing special 5 by ae via and anything by sloane kennedy

  2. Be mine by Stella Starling was a very good read. Now I am reading Flaunt by Ed Davies. Super
