With All Romance ebook’s fiasco many publishers are stepping
up to honor the deals readers made with them. But there are also many Self Pub
authors who are also doing so. Here’s a list of authors that are honoring ARe’s
failed promises. In this list is what the authors are asking for and how to
contact them:
Kimi D. Saunders
If anyone bought Sol's Solstice
(my only book on there), I'll happily send them an e-copy if they are unable to
dl theirs at ARe. If anyone bought Sol's Solstice as an epub and wish to read
my Amazon only titles incl Sol's sequels, pm me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberly.d.saunders?fref=ufi&pnref=story or message me here: https://www.facebook.com/LeonaWindwalker/?pnref=story
Jenna Kendrick
If anyone bought any of my
titles, they can PM or email me a copy of the receipt, and I'll make good on
it. My books are now in KU for the next few months, but I'll honor any previous
sales in other formats.
Email: jenna@jennakendrick.com
JM Dabney
Is honoring any deal you had with
ARe. Show proof of purchase via receipt or screenshot. Contact her via FB or
Email: jmdabneyauthor@gmail.com
A.D. Ellis
I had some preorders of Ryker
& Gavin. Show me preorder receipt and I'll be sure to get the book to them
upon release. My email is adellisauthor@gmail.com
My free books on ARe are free everywhere.
I didn't have many sales of other books on ARe, but if anyone wants to show me their receipt if purchase on any of my titles, I'll gladly get the ebook to them. Again, just email me
Screen shot of library page would
work if receipt is unavailable.
Amy Jo Cousins
Receipt or screenshot of their
library page from ARe for any of my self pub books, and I'll replace.
Tracey Steinbach/ Tracey Michael
If anyone bought any of my books
under Tracey Steinbach or Tracey Michael and can't download them, I'll happily
give them a replacement.
Email: steinbachtracey145@gmail.com
Lynn Lorenz
If you bought any of my self-pub
books, show your receipt to me at lynnlorenz@live.com and I'll send you the
Annabelle Jacobs
I don't have my self pubs on
there anymore, but if anyone's having trouble dl theirs from before, then I'll
happily send them a copy. Just PM me with a receipt. https://www.facebook.com/ajacobsfiction?fref=ts
Meraki P. Lyhne
I'm a hybrid author, and my
self-published books (the Cubi series) was on ARe, too. With a receipt of
purchase of either of those two books, I'll honor the purchase. PM on Facebook:
Harper Miller
If anyone has purchased any
titles, email me a screenshot of your receipt and it's as good as yours again.
So many bloggers have been really great about spreading the love after this
fiasco. Message on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorharpermiller?fref=ts
Jay Northcote
I'll provide copies to anyone
unable to retrieve their books from ARE with proof of purchase
Check out Website for contact
info https://jaynorthcote.com/contact/
Megan Erickson
With proof of purchase, I'll
supply copies of my SP titles (Strong Signal, Fast Connection, Daring Fate)
Haley Walsh
Honoring purchases made from
readers on ARe: Honoring your word
Email: skylerfoxe1@gmail.com
My only self-pub title is Across
the East River Bridge, but email me some proof of purchase, and the book is
yours again in whichever format you like. kate@katemcmurray.com
Kate Pavelle
Kate Pavelle here. If anyone
bought a book published by Mugen Press (Flux, Lucky Starflowers, Relativistic
Phenomena, or any of the SwimBikeRun trilogy books), I'll be happy to send them
a copy in their preferred format. This is all on the honor system, folks. Also,
if you had any of my titles published by DSP, talk to them. They have always
been very good with all kinds of mishaps, although I cannot speak for them,
obviously. Message on FB https://www.facebook.com/kate.pavelle?fref=ts
Ari McKay
All self-pub Ari McKay stories
(Here's Mercs series, Ghost of a Chance, Dandy's Little Girl, Holiday
Hootenanny) will be replaced with proof of purchase from ARe. People who have
left reviews/ratings on the stories on Goodreads or Amazon don't need proof of
purchase, just provide your GR or Amazon name and tell us that's what it's for…
Oh, forgot one thing. Anyone who lost their copies of any Torquere Ari McKay
books, since that site isn't coming back, we'll take on a case by case basis
for replacing (some we can't because we're placing the rights elsewhere, but
we'll do what we can) Message on FB: https://www.facebook.com/ari.mckay.7?fref=ts
Bey Deckard
If you purchased any of my titles
at ARe and can't get to them, send me some kind of proof of purchase and I'll
give you a new copy
:) bey.deckard@gmail.com

Varian Krylov
If someone paid for one of my
books on ARE, but ARE is failing to deliver it, I'll of course provide them
with a digital copy. Just show me some form of proof of purchase and let me
know your prefered format (mobi or epub). PM me here, or email me at strangelandfoto@gmail.com
Chris Quinton
If you purchased any of my
self-pubbed [Kouros Books] titles at ARe and can't get to them, send me some
kind of proof of purchase and I'll give you a new copy
Chris McHart
Show any sort of proof and I will honor it. PM me or email me:
Show any sort of proof and I will honor it. PM me or email me:
Liv Rancort & Irene Preston
I will send a copy of Vespers or
Bonfire to anyone who can't download them from ARe and can provide proof of
purchase. They're no longer available for sale, but you should be able to
download. Thanks.
Email: prescourtbooks@gmail.com
For Irene’s solo titles: irenepreston@gmail.com
Zoe Perdita
I'll honor ARe sales as long as
they have a proof of purchase. They can email me or send me a PM on FB
Blaine D Arden
Any readers who can't download my
books can send me proof of purchase, and I'll send them their book in preferred
Also... for those readers who still have ebucks to spend, but can't find my books on the list anymore, can send me a screencap of their ebucks amount, and ask for the books they want from me at a 60% discount (aka they'd only need .40 ebucks for a $1 book).
They can do so until next weekend.
ETA: either via email CPress(at)cayendi(dot)nl or pm on fb https://www.facebook.com/BlaineDArden?fref=ts
Also... for those readers who still have ebucks to spend, but can't find my books on the list anymore, can send me a screencap of their ebucks amount, and ask for the books they want from me at a 60% discount (aka they'd only need .40 ebucks for a $1 book).
They can do so until next weekend.
ETA: either via email CPress(at)cayendi(dot)nl or pm on fb https://www.facebook.com/BlaineDArden?fref=ts
Sara York
April Kelley
Just a copy of the receipt or a
screenshot of the bookshelf or something to the equivalent.
Alex Jane
A receipt or screenshot from
anyone having trouble downloading any of my books from their account, and I'll
replace x PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/alex.jane.7140?fref=ts
Christa Tomlinson
I will help any reader who has
lost a copy of one of my books due to ARe. PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/christa.tomlinson.1?fref=ts
Kaje harper
I self-pub and my stories were on
ARe - the freebies are all on Smashwords, but I will honor any receipt or
screenshot of one of my paid self-pubs (and will even take a convincing story
from someone who didn't know about ARe till after the fact. ) My email is on my
website too - kajeharper.wordpress.com/about/.
They can also message me on GR although those cannot attach screenshots.
Christina Lee
I'll give digital copies of only
my self-pubbed titles (have no control of my Penguin titles) with proof of purchase.
So The Darkest Flame, The Deepest Blue, The Hardest Fall, Touch the Sky, Chase
the Sun, Twelve Truths, and Three Sacred Words. My email: christinalee04@gmail.com
Anastasia Vitsky
I will honor any requests for
books from readers who purchased my books from ARe. Ideally, I'd like a
forwarded receipt/email confirmation. Screenshot would also be acceptable. ana_stasia2007@yahoo.com
Or message me on FB or Twitter
Brandi Evans
I've actually made all my
self-pub books free on ARe until the sight goes dark. I don't want Lori making
any more cash off me, but I wanted to do a little something for the readers
caught in the crossfire. https://www.allromanceebooks.com/mobile/search.html?author=Brandi+Evans
Sue Brown
I will honour my self-pubbed
books, with some proof of purchase. My email is sue@suebrownstories.com
Alicia Nordwell
I will replace copies of my
self-published eBooks with screen shots or receipts for the "for
sale" items, or any free eBook I had on ARe that is simply requested. I
can be contacted via email: anordwell@live.com and my eBook info/contact info
can all be found on my blog: http://ciasstories.blogspot.com
Mischa Horne
I'll replace anything of mine
people weren't able to save from ARe. They can just PM me on FB or email me at mishahornebooks@gmail.com
RE Hargrave
I've not had many sales there, as
far as I know, but the Divine Trilogy was up there, and I'll happily honor
getting copies to readers with proof of purchase. ♡ rehargrave@gmail.com
LD Blakeley
My publisher (Evernight) has
stepped up, but I had a self-pub title release Dec. 14. So if anyone is unable
to access their copy of The Power of Peppermint, please pm me with your receipt
(screenshot is fine) and I'll replace it. https://www.facebook.com/LDBlakeley?fref=ufi
Shae Connor
Any of my three self-pub novellas
(Rhythm & Blues, Tongue & Groove, Heart & Soul) with proof of
purchase. Just email shaeconnorwrites@gmail.com
Silvia Violet
I will honor any self-pubbed
books with proof of purchase like a receipt or screen shot of your library.
Email me at silviaviolet@gmail.com or use the contact on my website http://silviaviolet.com
Taylor Law
My books are still up for
download on ARe, but I will still honor and send them a copy in their choice of
format if they are having issues. They just need to email me at taylor@taylorlawbooks.com a copy of their receipt or screenshot of their
library page from ARe for any of my books, and I'll happily replace them.
Nico Jaye
I'll gladly honor any ARe
purchase. Just send me the receipt or a screen shot of your ARe library. My
email is: jenna.johanis@gmail.com
Felice Stevens
I am! Just proof of purchase an
email receipt from ARe or a screenshot. They can email me at felicestevens1@gmail.com
Jr Gray
Any of my books, self-pub or with
my publishers Email: Jrgraybooks@gmail.com
Amelia Faulkner
Just pop the receipt over to Amelia@ameliafaukner.com
Sloan Parker
For my self-published titles, I
will gladly replace lost copies. I just need a copy of their receipt or a
screenshot/photo of the book in their ARe library. Email me at sloanparker.author@gmail.com
Cherie Noel:
I haven't pubbed any new books
for ages...but I'll definitely give copies of myself pub books to any reader
who bought them from ARe and couldn't get them downloaded in time. PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/CherieNoel?fref=ts
Shannon West
I have some that are self pubbed.
I will honor any requests for books from readers who purchased my books from
ARe. Ideally, I'd like a forwarded receipt/email confirmation. Screenshot would
also be acceptable PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/shannon.west.399?fref=ts
LC Chase
My only self pub titles on ARe
were Long Tall Drink and Riding with Heaven. If anyone didn't get them
downloaded, just send proof of purchase to authorlcchase@gmail.com and I'll make sure they get their copy. The
books are both still available on Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. All the
free stories are on my website. Thank you!
Kate Aaron
I'll honour any request with
proof of purchase. author@kateaaron.com
Patricia Logan
I've made this announcement so
definitely put me on the list. Screenshots are good Message on FB https://www.facebook.com/ploganauthor
S.C. Wynne
I will honor any books purchased
from ARe with some proof of purchase, HAPPILY! scwynne@dslextreme.com
SA Collins
With proof of purchase, sure. I'm
in. PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/authorsacollins?fref=ts
R. Phoenix
I didn't do much at ARE, but I'm
happy to replace books. Please have some proof of purchase. Email Raissa.phoenix@gmail.com
RJ Scott
If anyone is having problems
downloading Rj
Scott's books, they just need to email Rachel
Maybury at rjscott.team@gmail.com with a screenshot of their receipt or library
and I'll send them through
AJ Rose
Proof of purchase ajrosefiction@gmail.com
Wulf Francu Godgluck: Proof of purchase. PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/wulf.godgluck?fref=ts
Bronwyn Heeley: Will honor with some sort of proof of purchase
Email: beeheeley@gmail.com
Lisa Oliver: proof of purchase yoursintuitively@gmail.com
AJ Llewellyn
I am happy to honor any purchases
my readers have made - with proof of purchase! PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/aj.llewellyn
Alyson Pearce
I only sold a few copies, but if
anyone bought The Viscount and the Artist and didn't have a chance to download,
I will send a copy in the format desired. As long as they have either a receipt
or a screenshot from their library. alysonpearce527@gmail.com
Genna Donaghy
I had one book on ARe, Touch Me
Not, and will honor with screenshot or proof of purchase. PM on FB https://www.facebook.com/genna.donaghy?fref=ts
Nash Summers
I'm in for any of my
self-published books with proof of purchase. nash.v.summers@gmail.com
Jess Buffett
For my self-pubbed titles under
Jess Buffett: Always Been You, Nick's Christmas Wish, Cupid's Time, Harry's
Nature, Whyte's Dream, Jack's Claus, Packmaster. And my self-pubbed titles
under Sydney Lea: Claimed, Tamed and Cowboy Interrupted. I will honor with a
screenshot of proof of purchase. Just send an email to jessbuffett@gmail.com
Nic Starr
I'm happy to be added for my self-published
books. I just need proof of purchase. Email to nicstar000@gmail.com
Andrea Dalling
If anyone purchased my Andrea
Dalling titles prior to December 28, email a proof of purchase to andrea@andreadalling.com and I'll send you a link to the file.
Anna Butler
I'll honour any self-published book
purchased from ARe, with proof of purchase. annabutlerfiction@gmail.com
Lynn Michaels
Some sort of proof of purchase PM
on FB https://www.facebook.com/Lynn-Michaels-1450504665203028/?fref=ts
Renee Stevens
I only had one self-published
story on ARe but anyone who couldn't get it downloaded can contact me either
here on my facebook page via PM or through email at author.reneestevens@yahoo.com
Joseph Lance Tonlet
Show some sort of proof of purchase
Email: JLT@JosephLanceTonlet.com
J.T. Hall
I'll replace eBooks for any reader with proof of purchase for any of my short fiction pieces. For my Riptide title, please contact Riptide; they are also offering to replace copies with proof of purchase. Thanks! Email me at jthall@diamondprintpress.com .
Z. Allora
I'll replace eBooks from Rocky Ridge (The Dark Angels series & Club Zombie series). For my Dreamspinner titles, please contact Dreamspinner; they are also offering to replace copies with proof of purchase. Thanks! Email me at Z.AlloraHappyEndings@gmail.com
Laura Antoniou
No proof required. Just email me at lantoniou@aol.com
Joseph Lance Tonlet
Show some sort of proof of purchase
Email: JLT@JosephLanceTonlet.com
J.T. Hall
I'll replace eBooks for any reader with proof of purchase for any of my short fiction pieces. For my Riptide title, please contact Riptide; they are also offering to replace copies with proof of purchase. Thanks! Email me at jthall@diamondprintpress.com .
Z. Allora
I'll replace eBooks from Rocky Ridge (The Dark Angels series & Club Zombie series). For my Dreamspinner titles, please contact Dreamspinner; they are also offering to replace copies with proof of purchase. Thanks! Email me at Z.AlloraHappyEndings@gmail.com
Laura Antoniou
No proof required. Just email me at lantoniou@aol.com
If there are any other authors who would like to be added to this list please email me at diversereader@yahoo.com and I will edit you in. Supply your email or a way for readers to contact you and what they need to do. Thanks!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteZ.Allora: I'll replace eBooks from Rocky Ridge (The Dark Angels series & Club Zombie series). For my Dreamspinner titles, please contact Dreamspinner; they are also offering to replace copies with proof of purchase. Thanks! Email me at Z.AlloraHappyEndings@gmail.com