Saturday, January 14, 2017

Diverse Reader ~ 3 Year Blogiversary- Aimee Nicole Walker - Guest Post #Giveaway

I have been loving the 3 year blogiversary celebration this week. The memories, the authors, the giveaways, the love!! Today we have Aimee Nicole Walker. I feel like she needs no introduction as she has become a staple in this genre. Her work is amazing and she's one of the most giving people I know. Enjoy her post and enter the giveaway.

Diverse Reader's 3 Year Blogiversary

Happy blogiversary to Meredith and the gang! I am so excited to be celebrating with you!

Rather than pinpoint a specific review or interaction that I’ve had with the blog, I’d just like to thank you for what you do for all the writers in the genre and the support you’ve shown for the rainbow community. I love all the extra features your blog offers throughout the year and the special events you host.

When you’re a new writer, it’s intimidating to request reviews for your books. Thankfully, Diverse Reader makes it easy and you’re certain to get a fair review.

I wish you many years of continued success. Mwah! <3

Upcoming for me:

Something to Dye For (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #2) – Jan 3, 2017
Dyed and Gone to Heaven (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #3) – Mar 7, 2017
Book 4 (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #4) – May 2, 2017


Aimee is giving away a $10.00 Amazon GC!
Make sure you enter the rafflecopter!


  1. Love the Curl up and Dye Series. ❤

  2. My favorite so far has been Chasing Mr. Wright, I'm still half into the series, though, so that might change!

  3. My favorites is the Curl Up and Dye Series.

  4. Blogs really play a great part on spreading word about new authors, even promoting the old ones. =)

    Happy 3rd year anniversary again, Diverse Reader!

    Curl Up & Dye Mysteries books are my favorites. (Can't pick one *winks*)

  5. Ummm that's hard , but the Curl up and Dye series.

  6. No, ANW is a new to me author. Everyone seems to love the Curl up and Dye series, so I'll have to look into it.

  7. I have not read an of your books, but I am trying to fix that. Aiming to try reading that Curl Up and Dye series ^^

  8. I'm a new fan!! Chasing Mr.Wrght was sooo good!! I'm reading Rhytym of Us! I'm looking forward to reading the next book!!

  9. Happy Anniversary, DR!
    My favorite book is book 1 in the Curl Up & Dye Mysteries series. Closely follow by Only You.

  10. Happy 3rd Anniversary!
    I haven't read a book by this author yet.

  11. Aimee Nicole Walker is a new-to-me author so no favorite yet.

  12. My favourites have to be "The Fated Heart" which I'm working way through.

  13. I haven't read any of Aimee's books yet. But I will need to remedy that as they look great.

  14. You guys do a great job and I've discovered so many books and authors through the blog. I'm a massive fan of the Curl Up and Dye Series and completely in love with MC Josh.

  15. Happy anniversary and thanks for the giveaway. I haven't read any of Aimee yet, but I'm intrigued by Dying to be Loved - I love mysteries and I used to live in Ohio.

  16. Aimee's new to me!

