Title: Callum’s Fate
Author: Dianne Hartsock
Genre: Fantasy, Gay Romance, Erotic Romance
Length: Novella
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing
In 1780, Scotland, following a harsh year of drought, Callum Mackenzie is forced from his father’s farm in the hopes of finding work.But as fate would have it, Callum is lured onto the moors by the will-o-the-wisp. Lost in the dark, he falls into enchantment, encountering faeries and nymphs, until he stumbles into the arms of a licentious Barrow-Wight who lays claim to his soul.
Hearing his silent pleas, Donal sends Liam the gruagach (faery) to rescue Callum and bring him to his farm, a place of refuge from the Fae.
Callum is happy working on Donal’s farm, slowly falling in love with the beautiful, silver-haired gruagach.
Yet there’s something wrong in the nearby forest….
Despite Donal’s warnings, Callum is lured into the forest and becomes tangled in its magic, easy prey for the Barrow-Wight.
Will Liam be able to strike a deal with the Barrow-Wight to save Callum’s life, or has Callum found his last resting place instead?
Buy Links links
Don’t miss the Valentine’s Day Sale (February 11-17) 50% off on WIP’s website and 40% off on ARe!WIP: http://www.waywardinkpublishing.com/product/callums-fate-by-dianne-hartsock/
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Callums-Fate-Dianne-Hartsock-ebook/dp/B01B383YP0/
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Callums-Fate-Dianne-Hartsock-ebook/dp/B01B383YP0/
Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/Callums-Fate-Dianne-Hartsock-ebook/dp/B01B383YP0/
Amazon DE: http://www.amazon.de/Callums-Fate-Dianne-Hartsock-ebook/dp/B01B383YP0/
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-callum039sfate-1973471-143.html
This is a very short fantasy novella. It’s filled with
magic, mystical creatures, and a lot of sex. We have this man Callum who’s lost
in the woods. He comes upon a dark creature, sex crazed fairies, and a
shrieking lady that signifies death.
There was a massive amount of debauchery in this story. There was also,
in the short span of this tale, multiple love stories taking place. People and
creatures finding their forevers. It was very entertaining and great if you’re
looking for short, sweet, and sexy.
He blinked his eyes open and stared at the stranger’s rough
coat under his cheek. Moonlight caught in pale strands of hair mixed with
Callum’s own auburn locks across a shoulder and down the man’s arm. Something
twisted inside him; he longed to see this every morning he awakened. The
person’s chest rose on a deep breath, his arms tightening briefly, and Callum
grew conscious of the strong thighs and hard press of an erection against his
A sigh escaped him. He wanted this to be real. He’d been a
week on the road with no prospects of work, looked at with mistrust and
unfriendliness by the people he met. It tore at his lonely heart, though he understood
their reticence. The moors were a harsh, dangerous place to live. He hadn’t
wanted to come north, but as the youngest son he had to take the direction that
was left after his brothers chose the safer paths.
Ashamed of the tears that pricked his eyes, he tried to sit
up, and turned in surprise when he wasn’t released from the stranger’s hold.
His breath caught in his throat. The man was everything Callum found beautiful:
carelessly handsome, with silver-blond hair falling in waves past his shoulders.
Deep blue eyes met his, dancing with mischief, then without warning the man
leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. Callum moaned when the soft lips
pressed against his, warm and sweet, and whimpered when the stranger drew away.
A brilliant smile leaped across the lovely face, as if the man knew he wanted
to be kissed again.
Callum touched his lips, confused. Had he been bespelled? “I
don’t understand.”
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About the author
DIANNE HARTSOCK is the author of m/m erotic romance, both contemporary and fantasy, the psychological thriller, and anything else that comes to mind. Oh, and a floral designer. If she can’t be writing, at least she has the chance to create through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage to bring a smile to someone’s face.Currently, Dianne lives in the Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play.
Social links
Website: https://diannehartsock.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/diannehartsock
Twitter: https://twitter.com/diannehartsock
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/diannehartsock/
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