Friday, November 28, 2014

Author Saturday Spotlight: Renae Kaye *Interview & Giveaway*

I know my spotlight is a day early but IT'S MY BIRTHDAY and Safe in His Arms is is releasing today and I AM JUMPING ON THE RELEASE DAY WAGON!!!!! WooHoo!

The amazingly talented Renae Kaye has a FABULOUS interview and a giveaway for one lucky fan!!!!
YES! One of you will win an ebook copy of Safe in His Arms!!!

Renae Kaye author of Loving Jay, The Blinding Light, and The Shearing Gun, once more will entertain your brain with her NEWEST book:

In the late-night quiet of the caravan park shower room, Lon Taylor washes away the filth of the Western Australian mines. He’s not looking for anyone, but when Casey offers, Lon doesn’t turn him down.

Welcoming the young man in his big, hairy arms, Lon provides a safety to Casey that he has never known, and Casey wants to stay forever. Still reeling from the breakup of his family years ago, Lon’s not sure he’s ready for the responsibility of the comfort and security Casey craves.

But perhaps Lon can risk opening his heart again and hoping for a brighter future. Casey has some pretty big skeletons in his past to deal with. And Lon wonders what Casey will do when he finds out how badly Lon failed at protecting the ones he loved eight years ago.

Check out this interview, find out how Safe in His Arms came to be and where YOU can buy it!!!


 The title of this book is Safe in His Arms. Now I read the blurb and I've seen the cover and I have to ask, Is it Lon safe in Casey's arms or vice versa?

Yes, I think by the end of the book, you will discover that they are safe in each other’s arms.  On the surface, it appears just to be Casey safe in Lon’s arms.  Casey is running from nightmares stemming from abuse that occurred during his early teens.  He longs for the safety of Lon’s arms, but Lon is unsure whether he can protect Casey.  You see, he’s tried and failed before.

By the end of the book, Lon realises that he needs to open up and trust Casey as well.  Trust that Casey will be there for him.  Trust that Casey will support him, and that his heart is safe in Casey’s arms.

 Who did this extraordinary cover?

Isn’t it beautiful?  Anna Sikorska is an absolute genius.  When I received the final, my jaw just dropped open.  Oh, wow.  Drool worthy, huh?

You write about so many interesting characters in your books. I wonder if you're a jack of all trades. What made you choose Lon as a miner, and was there a lot of research required?

I love that you find my characters interesting, because I deliberately choose characters who are just your everyday guys.  As a reader of m/f, one of the things that really turned me off the genre were characters who were unrealistic to me – beautiful models, rich widows, successful-and-also-gorgeous women.  Where were all the plump, short girls?  What about the single mums and the disabled?  What about the washed up divorced women?  Didn’t they deserve love?  Weren’t they special enough to have a book written about them?

I believe that every person is special – flaws and all.  I believe that every man and woman can find love.  It’s not just the perfect people.  I deliberately set out to write about the people you could possibly meet on the street.

I don’t know about a jack of all trades, but it’s true I don’t like to only write about one character type.

I chose Lon as a miner, because mining is very big in Perth at the moment.  Perth is the nearest capital city to the 400+ mines in Western Australia.  It is estimated that 60,000 workers are employed FIFO – that’s Fly In Fly Out – where mining companies fly their workers to the mine for shifts (typically 3-6 weeks long) and then back home again.

Truthfully the mining part of Lon’s job doesn’t play into the story at all, but the having to leave Casey for weeks at a time does.  The biggest research factor in this book were the details of counselling abuse victims receive.

 Do you need to work with visuals for your characters? If so what two people do you see when you think Lon and Casey?

No.  I know a lot of authors do, but my characters usually just come from a mishmash of people I’ve seen/met.

 Where did this epic plot bunny come from?

<points to the screen of the computer>  The characters told me!  I just did what they told me!

<laughing>  This novel was supposed to be a short story.  I was planning on writing a single scene – a short erotic hookup scene.  I drew on my favourite pairings: the opposites.  I made one character older, bigger, hairier.  And then I made the youthful, twinkish, small guy to be his opposite.  Then, once they were established in my brain, I threw them together on the page (with minimal clothing of course).

But a strange thing happened.  I, the author, wanted to know more about these guys.  Why?  Where?  When?  What happens next?

I promised myself “one more chapter.”  I was going to write one more chapter and find out why Casey was upset.  Why was Lon alone?

The next thing I knew, I was sucked into a void of writing…  This book was not planned at all.  Casey and Lon “showed” me their story as we went along.

 Is there a destination you'd love to travel to do research for a future book and if so where?

Karijini National Park.  I love showcasing my beautiful state.  I have a book planned for the southern region in the jarrah and karri forests, and I’m heading to Broome next year where I’m sure inspiration will hit.  But I’ve never been to Karijini and it looks gorgeous.  I’m sure there has to be a book there!

 Do you write to music and if you do can you name a few songs that helped you write Safe in His Arms?

Yes.  The music I write to is a combination of The Wiggles, Play School and the theme songs of Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom, Postman Pat and Humf.

I can usually turn the TV on if the kids are at home and get 30 minutes of writing done before they bother me again.  If the kids are not home, I enjoy the blissful, beautiful, wonderful, magical, superb sound of silence.

Will this be a stand alone or is there a sequel in its future?

I’m not really a sequel girl.  I like to leave my guys in a spot where I can imagine that they will be living happily ever after.  In order for there to be a sequel, there needs to be something that goes off track, and I just can’t do that to my guys.

BUT I will say, that I’m trying to write a couple of spin offs.  You will meet two other couples in this book.  From the minute they were created on the page, I knew that Ash and Devon needed their own book.  It has to be written.  My best friend has also demanded that Paul has his own book too.

So I’m sure that you will see Lon and Casey within the pages of these new books.  Their story will continue.

 I always ask this question in interviews because fans want to know; can you tell us about your future projects?

The thing with the writing industry is it takes a while for books to move through the line of editing, covers, formatting and release.  I don’t think there are any authors out there not working on the next one (or indeed to the one 5 books from now).

Shawn’s Law will be out in early 2015.  This one is a definite comedy, and is similar to the humour found in Loving Jay.

What I’m writing at the moment is a spin off from The Blinding Light, so I hope it will be published, but I need my publisher to like it!  It doesn’t have a title yet, but it starts three weeks after The Blinding Light’s epilogue, so you will get a peek at Jake and Patrick’s new family life.

I also plan (ie have already started) a spin off from Loving Jay, and the two afore mentioned spin offs from Safe in His Arms.  I will be a very very busy girl to get all of these finished.

Someone mentioned a topic a couple of weeks ago, writing to me and asking for another book with a disability – and I’m loving that thought too.  Please, please, please God – send me another 3 hours in each day so I can write all these books!

 Where will Safe in His Arms be available to buy?

ARe: (not available yet should be up by 26th Nov)

Renae gifted me this book that I will BE reading and am very excited!!! I have yet to read a book she has written that I haven't LOVED! Now it's YOUR chance... YOU get to win one!

Simply enter below! Contest will run until Friday, December 5th! Winner will be notified via email.
Good luck. I want to thank Renae for making my birthday SO awesome and to all of you thanks for stopping by!!



  1. Really looking forward to reading this. I've read all her other books and so far Loving Jay has been my favorite.

  2. Love her writing. Loving Jay is on top of my comfort reads, have reread it many times. Really excited to read this one

  3. I read The Blinding Light and really enjoyed it. This one is on my TBR list.

  4. I just started the Blinding Light. I'm loving it so far. I can't wait to read this new one and also The Shearing Gun as well.

  5. My two favorites are Loving Jay and the Blinding Light! Great interview and thank you for the chance at the giveaway.

  6. I loved the Blinding Light book! Can't wair for this new one!!!

  7. Reane is a great person and writer. The Blinding Light is my fave one and I'm sure that the new one is going to rock! Thank you for the chance

  8. Haven't read any of Renae's books yet, but looking forward to it.

  9. Renae is a new to me author but the blurb & that cover definitely put this on my to read pile! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
    seritzko at gmail dot com

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