Wednesday, March 11, 2020

New Release Review: Virgin Flyer by Lucy Lennox #Review #Giveaway

Title: Virgin Flyer
Author: Lucy Lennox
Self Published
Publication Date: March 2, 2020
Length: 262 pages 

Reviewed by Sammy


Wanted: One night together, no strings attached. Hold me, make love to me, treat me like I’m the most important person in the world. No talking. No names. And don’t be surprised if I’m gone in the morning.
After crushing on my best friend for years, I realize he’ll never want someone inexperienced like me. So I decide to get it over with, play the V-card once and for all with an anonymous hook-up. The terms are simple: no talking, no names.
It isn’t as easy as it seems. Now I can’t get the handsome stranger who greeted me with soft kisses and gentle touches out of my mind. Those hands, those lips... But it was just a one-time thing, and I need to forget about him once and for all.
At least I know I won’t ever see him again—until I board a flight and catch sight of a familiar profile in the cockpit just as the door closes.


Pining after your best friend is one thing—doing it for over twenty years is another story altogether. For Teo that was just the tip of the iceberg that was Chris—his best friend, the man he loved and the person who said he loved him as well but never moved to make it more than just friendship. So Teo waited, didn’t date, didn’t do one night stands and hoped that one day Chris would settle down and make them more than just buddies. But the lies he told his friends and the shame he felt about still being a virgin in his twenties nagged at him until he decided to change it. He posted an ad on a hook-up sight—no talking, lots of cuddling, treat him like a boyfriend and he got a bite—a gorgeous, kind-hearted, sexy bite.
Jack had a guy in every port—so to speak. As a pilot he flew world-wide and always used his handy grindr site to find a night of sex and no attachments. He had learned his lesson—he was definitely not dating material. He liked his life just fine—a different city every day, a different guy in his bed and non-stop moving around that kept him from feeling lonely. When he saw the interesting wanted ad that mentioned no talking but lots of wooing, Jack was intrigued. Pretending to be a boyfriend was something he could handle—no strings attached but all the benefits for just one night. Never ever did he expect to walk away from the lithe, sweet man he bedded to be recalling their one night over and over again. Maybe a job change would help—after all he was not the settling down type. Switching to a private flight company was just the thing until he got a gander at one of this first clients—the man he couldn’t get out of his mind was seated on his plane.
Lucy Lennox has done it again—written an incredibly beautiful romance complete with just about every fantasy one could imagine. In Virgin Flyer there is everything from a hurt/comfort trope to second chances to an age gap romance with so much tenderness and sweet romance that honestly if it were not done so well it would cause a toothache. I could not put this story down-it was just so good. It says a lot about an author’s story telling ability when both main characters are appealing and their lives are such that you want to know more about them. I couldn’t get enough of either Teo or Jack. I loved that we saw more than just a passing glimpse into both their backstories and that they were equal parts fascinating and humorous.
Honestly Teo in any other hands but this authors’ could have been just too good to be true. Instead he was flawed, realistic and oh so loveable. Teo is a genuine good guy and it is so understandable that Jack recognizes it and is drawn to him particularly since he carries around some baggage over how he handled some of his past relationships. These two men were a match made in heaven and a delicious foil for the nasty devil of a best friend who emotionally manipulated poor Teo and strung him along for far too long.
Honestly there was just so much to love about Virgin Flyer. From the romance to the frustrating way Teo took forever to realize what everyone else around him saw—that his bestie Chris was a manipulating man-child—this story just flew off the page. I loved it and I highly recommend it to anyone needing just a little sweet love to wrap their arms around.


Enter the monthly review giveaway
Contest ends March 31st

1 comment:

  1. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. 
