Sunday, August 11, 2019

Random Review: Ignite by Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott #Review #Giveaway

Title: Ignite
Series: Unbreakable Bond #7
Authors: Joecelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott
Self Published
Publication Date: July 26, 2019
Length: 230 pages

Reviewed by Racheal


Two of Noah’s Army buddies are dead.

Someone has taken shots at Noah.

And now Noah’s former lover, JB, is a target.

Noah, Rowe, and JB team up to track down a killer trying to take out all of Noah’s old Army team in hopes of covering up a dark secret.

But this trip to Washington, D.C. threatens to unravel the perfect life that Rowe and Noah have built over the past three years. JB’s arrival in their lives have Rowe and Noah wondering if they want the same thing for their happily ever after.

Rowe is sure of one thing—nobody threatens his man. And he sets out to show anyone with a hidden agenda what a bad decision that was.


Guys and Gals hold on tight, y’all are in for one explosive and heck of read! But, if you are familiar with this dynamic duos Ward Security series than you definitely know what I am talking about. However, if you are new to the series that is okay too, throughout the book they do mention prior couples and give snip-its so it’s not necessary to have read the entire series before this book.

Nothing is quite as good as live in your face action with a bit of humor and love thrown in the mix, to me anyway. That is why I was so hooked when I started reading Ignite! These amazing authors have out done themselves yet again! I felt their words in my bones, reading this action-packed book was like seeing their vision played out in my head.

The wit, charm, love, and dangerous vibe that I got from the couple Noah and Rowe was thoroughly written to never give doubt even when their next mission included not only a comrade of Noah’s from his past military life but also a past lover.

In addition to having that being suddenly in their lives; a conspiracy that reaches so much further than any of them originally thought mixed with exploding hotel rooms, buildings blowing up, car chases, the casual shoot out there is not one dull moment to be had. Oh, did I forget the intense bedroom scene and bathroom scenes lol?

This is definitely a must-read book! Along with the rest of the series!


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contest ends August 31st