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Length: 28,153 words
Publisher: JMS Books
... And a rabbit.
An adorable bunny with a huge personality moves in, too, and refuses to leave. Hannes instantly falls in love with the sweet animal who helps heal his heart. But one morning, Hannes’ view of the world changes when the rabbit transforms into a man. A man named Mattis.
After the initial shock, Hannes and Mattis discover a connection between them that runs deeper than it seems. Will their newfound feelings survive unraveling secrets and meddling families, and grow into something real? Something deep and everlasting?
Hannes has never really known acceptance and unconditional
love from his family except when he has been with his Nana. Her death has left
him shattered and after a brutal family battle over the contents of the will,
Hannes is finally able to take ownership of the house she has left him. Every
moment there causes his grief to rise to the surface and leaves him a
distraught mess. When a little rabbit suddenly appears in his kitchen Hannes is
able to put aside his sadness and begin to live again. However, when the rabbit
turns out to be something more than just a cuddly fur ball, Hannes thinks he
could be losing his mind…and his heart.
Nell Iris has created an incredibly sweet and romantic short
story in her latest release, 9 Willow
Street. With two main characters who both struggle with finding happiness
in their current lot in life, the author weaves a rather magical tale with
paranormal overtones. Poor Hannes has a despicable, judgmental family who has
always considered his chosen profession, his way of thinking and his lifestyle
as substandard and lacking. The only person who really ever saw him for who he
is and loved him completely was his Nana. She encouraged his love of gardening
and never spoke one ill word to him. When she passes away, he is devastated and
that is how we discover him at the beginning of this story. Then this adorable
bunny shows up on his doorstep and Hannes feels such comfort. Little Mia, as
Hannes names him, is a cuddle bug-just what Hannes needs.
I really enjoyed this book. Hannes gets everything he
deserves by the end of the story and there is a very satisfying romance buried amidst
the hurt/comfort trope the story is based on. There is also a very believable
reconciliation of sorts between Hannes and one of his parents. It’s not a
sudden hearts and roses scenario and I really appreciated how the author chose
to make it realistic by keeping it both slow with a very tentative future and
make it an obvious struggle for Hannes to fully trust his father’s intentions.
After what this family did to Hannes that aspect of the short story was very
plausible and well written, in my opinion. I also enjoyed how the big reveal
took place and I just loved that darn rabbit!
I wish I could tell you more but to do so would ruin the
surprise for you. Suffice it to say that I loved how 9 Willow Street progressed and was completely smitten by Hannes and
Mia together. This is a wonderful little love story that left me smiling and very
Nell believes passionately in equality for all regardless of race, gender, or sexuality, and wants to make the world a better, less hateful, place.
Nell is a forty-something bisexual Swedish woman, married to the love of her life, and a proud mama of a grown daughter. She left the Scandinavian cold and darkness for warmer and sunnier Malaysia a few years ago, and now spends her days writing, surfing the Internet, enjoying the heat, and eating good food. One day she decided to chase her lifelong dream of being a writer, sat down in front of her laptop, and wrote a story about two men falling in love.
Nell Iris writes gay romance, prefers sweet over angst, and wants to write diverse and different characters.
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