Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Release Review: Sir by N.r. Walker #Review #Giveaway

Author: N.R. Walker
Title: Sir
Self Published
Publication Date: July 23, 2019
Length: 248 pages

Reviewed by Jenn


A BDSM-lite MMM story

Founded over four hundred years ago, Sanctus Infinitus Redemptio is a private and very elite society where dominance and submission are revered. Steeped in tradition and excellence, every Dominant and every submissive, and their pairing, are selected with great care.

When Hunter Vargo is brought into the Sanctus, his need for strict dominance sees him paired with the wrong Master. But only a short time later, mistreated and his trust broken, he’s recalled, his collar removed. The Grand Master knows it will take a special kind of Dominant to restore the sub’s faith and trust.

Sig Bruckner’s world is perfect. He has a great job, he has high standing within the Sanctus, and he has Levin, the very best submissive. When he’s asked to take on a second sub, a young man with issues and a rule not to touch him, Sig’s world is turned upside down.

When his dominance, his patience, and self-control are tested, and when Sig’s relationships with both subs are pushed past his limits, everything begins to unravel. Yet Sig knows every good Dom learns from their subs, and he’s no exception. He might not be able to fix everything on his own, but perhaps the three of them together can.

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Sir by N.r. Walker is a light BDSM book that is filled with tenderness and care. It has some of the elements you’d expect to see with a book based around the lifestyle, but it takes you through a secret society and into the home of some very, very special men. We learn about the beginning of Sanctus Infinitus Redemptio (SIR) in the prologue of the book. Jump ahead four hundred years and you see what has come from those small beginnings. The teachings, the rules, the secrecy, the domination and the sweet submission. This is where the book takes a departure from most BDSM books I’ve read, I absolutely adore this secret society aspect. The very nature of the organization speaks of its value, the worthiness of it’s members (minus one or two), the care given to ensure the preservation of a way of life that allows people to live as they desire, as they NEED.

We first meet Hunter, a sub that has been wrongly treated by the Dominant chosen for him by the society. We can feel the need Hunter has for submission and the hurt and fear he’s feeling from having his trust broken. This young man is a character that you want to protect, love, and cherish…he brings all of that out in me. He’s so broken and still so incredibly hopeful, I just love him. The Grand Master knows they have failed this beautiful boy and must do right by him…must give him the very best. You see, Hunter doesn’t just crave submission, he truly needs it to center himself…he is lost without it. Calling in a favor from the best means introducing Hunter to Sig Bruckner and his first sub, Levin.

When Sig is called to a meeting with a Grand Master, he and Levin have no idea what’s in store for them. There they meet Hunter, both see his fear, his pain, and his need. I immediately felt like these three were meant to be together. In Sig, Hunter will find the rules and the dominance he requires. In Levin, a friend, a confidant, and a partner in crime. Sig and Levin have this powerful connection and really don’t believe they’ve been missing anything…and then they meet Hunter. The tenderness, the care, and compassion that follows is simply stunning. I love that both Sig and Levin look beyond the beauty, the brokenness, and the submission and see the man that deserves more. The sex in this type of lifestyle plays an important role and needs to be mentioned. It is super hot, but again, it goes beyond just the physical and beyond the lifestyle…it’s love making at its core and I found that made those scenes so much sexier! You will fall in love with the love and friendship between these men. The epilogue…sigh! This is one of the best BDSM (light) books I’ve read, you should read it! If you think a lifestyle book isn’t for you, you should still read it. At its heart of hearts, this is a love story…through and through. This was a 5-star read for me all the way, it comes with all the feels that make a book great. The writing is incredible and I’m hoping N.r. Walker will come back to this world again because it’s amazing.


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