Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Random Review: Diplomatic Relations by J.L Langley #Review #Giveaway

Title: Diplomatic Relations 
A Sci-Regency Novel
Author: J.L. Langley
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Tiferet Design
Publication Date: February 19, 2019
Length: 281 pages

Reviewed by Morningstar


Opposites don’t just attract... they sizzle.

A lusty special forces soldier who lives by his own set of rules, Dalton Fairfax decided long ago to stop wishing for his father’s love, and he found his calling. Now that he’s back home and between assignments, he finds himself at loose ends. When the opportunity arises to play bodyguard and help out his country, Dalton jumps at the chance. Not only does it keep him busy, but it just so happens that his charge is the man he saw on leave last month and hasn’t been able to get out of his head.

Heir to a dukedom and a conservative politician, Blaise Thompson strives to prove himself worthy of carrying on the family legacy as the next IN Councilman. However, his closest competitor keeps getting in the way and taking credit for Blaise’s ideas. Maintaining his stellar reputation isn’t easy to do while keeping his outrageous younger brother in line and foiling his rival’s personal attacks. He has no time for a guard and even less time for romance.

When a priceless antique goes missing, Blaise and Dalton discover that Regelence has larger problems than just IN plots. Now the only way to stop a scandal that threatens both of them is to compromise, and they are forced to confront the risk of losing everything… even each other.

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This. Series. KILLS. Me! Every time I read one I think I couldn’t love another couple in the books more than the one I read then the author proves me wrong. They. Freaking. Rock!

At this point, I can’t tell you what about this book makes it different or better than the last other than the characters. This author delivers straight to my heart. Dalton and Blaise were wonderful characters that kept me wanting more with each passing chapter.

This author has a way of creating a world that’s full and rich where when they talk about them walking down the sidewalk, or through markets, or to shops I can visualize it in my head clear as if I was there. Their characters, from the main characters to the secondary ones, are just as rich and full as the world they created.

On top of that, the intrigue of the overarching storyline from the start, keeps me wondering what’s going to come up next and where the author is taking me. Which love story will be coming next and what part will it play?  And that above most anything in a series makes it perfection. It keeps me hanging on to every word and patiently (mostly) anticipating the release of the next book.

That and the behind the scenes love story between Jeremy a.k.a Trouble and Rexley because each little tidbit, and I mean tidbit, we get about them in the books leads me by the ear. I have fallen so in love with their little love story that I honestly cannot wait to get to their book!


Enter the monthly review Giveaway!
Contest ends February 28th

1 comment:

  1. I love this series! I haven't read this one but I know it will be awesome! Regency and Sci-Fi together - BLISS!
