Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blog Tour: The Long Slide Home (Book 3 The Rainbow League) by Kate McMurray #Interview #Giveaway

 Author: Kate McMurray
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Length: 205 pages
Available: August 14, 2015


Nate and Carlos have been the best of friends since their childhood playing baseball together in the Bronx. For the last few years, Nate’s been in love with Carlos, though he’s never acted on it, and Carlos has never given any indication that he returns Nate’s feelings. Nate has finally given up, determined to move on and find someone else, especially now that Carlos has shacked up with his boyfriend Aiden.

Carlos doesn’t understand why Nate has suddenly gotten weird, acting cold and distant at team practice for the Rainbow League. But if that’s how things are going to be, Carlos is done trying to figure Nate out. But then Aiden starts to show he might not be the man Carlos thought he was, and Carlos needs his best friend’s support. Worse, he starts to realize his feelings for Nate might not be limited to friendship. But in the aftermath of his relationship with Aiden, and with Nate having problems of his own, the timing is all wrong to make a real relationship work. As emotions run high, both have hard time figuring out what is real and what is just convenient.

 Buy Links:

All Romance:
Guest Post/ Interview
Character Interview with Nate and Carlos from The Long Slide Home

For funsies, I decided to have a little chat with some of the Rainbow League characters about what happens in my latest book.

KATE: I’m sitting down to chat with the stars of The Long Slide Home, the third book in the Rainbow League series. Boys, hi. How are you?

NATE: All right.

CARLOS: Can’t complain.

KATE: Good, so, okay. We’re here to talk about your relationship.

NATE: Funny, you don’t look like a therapist.

KATE: I’m not I… wait, what does a therapist look like?

NATE: I’m not sure, but I imagine more tweed.

KATE: Well, it’s summer, so… No, forget it. So, in The Long Slide Home, some things happen.

CARLOS: I’ll say!

KATE: Why don’t you tell the nice people a little about that?

NATE: So, okay, basically, Carlos and I grew up on the same block in the Bronx. We’ve been friends since our elementary school days. Played Little League together.

CARLOS: We were so close to being champions that one year.

NATE: I know. At least we still got to meet Donnie Baseball.

CARLOS: That’s explained in the book, so I won’t explain it here. Anyway, after college, we joined the Rainbow League together because we still wanted to play baseball, but not professionally. Even though Nate is basically a Major League caliber pitcher.

NATE: Shut up. I am not.

CARLOS: It’s a compliment, papi. Learn to accept them.

NATE: Well, so, we play on the same team in this LGBT amateur league, and it’s fun, and everything was going swell until Carlos starts dating this guy Aiden.

CARLOS: This was, like, two years ago.

NATE: Right. So we’d had this totally platonic relationship, but then Carlos and Aiden hooked up and all of a sudden, it was like someone flipped a switch in my heart and I had it bad for Carlos.  

CARLOS: Apparently everyone but me knew about that.

NATE: Yeah. Unfortunately.

KATE: Love triangle. That’s good. I mean, book conflict wise. That sucks for you, Nate.

NATE: *groans* Ugh, I know. Don’t remind me.

KATE: So what changed?

NATE: Well, a lot of things. How much should I spoil?

CARLOS: Hardly anything. We want people to read the book.

NATE: True. Okay, let’s just say that Aiden may have seemed swell, but he shows his true colors in this book.

CARLOS: Sure. And I was still dealing with the fallout from that when something not so great happened to you.

NATE: Yeah. So, crisis, basically. But we helped each other through it.

CARLOS: Is that a sexy metaphor? I helped you through the crisis? You know they used to call an orgasm a crisis.

NATE: Who did that?

CARLOS: I don’t know. People. In… olden times.

NATE: I was trying to say something nice before you took us off on this sexy tangent.

CARLOS: Speaking of sexy tangents, how’s about after this, we—

KATE: Boys! Focus! Carlos, when did you realize your feelings for Nate had changed?

CARLOS: Um, I think… I dunno. Gradually. Around the time I had to stay at his place for a couple of days and he was just all… naked. All the time.

NATE: What? When was I naked?

CARLOS: Well, maybe not naked, but not really fully clothed. Just, like, after showers or when you were bumming around your apartment.

NATE: So my virile masculinity lured you in?

CARLOS: I don’t know if I’d take it that far.

KATE: Um, before this gets out of hand, let’s wrap this up. I think it’s only fair to warn readers, this book gets a little dark.

CARLOS: Yeah. Thanks for that. Not.

NATE: I mean, you couldn’t have given us a nice, sweet romance with lots of jokes? A light beach read? No, of course not, you had to put ol’ Nate and Carlos through the wringer.

KATE: You came out the other side better people, didn’t you?

NATE: I guess.

KATE: Well, you’re happy aren’t you?

CARLOS: Yes! We’re very happy.

KATE: Okay, I’ll let you go so you can go make out, but first, let’s give the readers a little more info about the book. Here’s the blurb:

Nate and Carlos have been the best of friends since their childhood playing baseball together in the Bronx. For the past few years, Nate’s been in love with Carlos, though he’s never acted on it and Carlos has never given any indication that he returns Nate’s feelings. Nate has finally given up, determined to move on and find someone else, especially now that Carlos has shacked up with his boyfriend, Aiden.

Carlos doesn’t understand why Nate has suddenly gotten weird, acting cold and distant at team practice for the Rainbow League. But if that’s how things are going to be, Carlos is done trying to figure Nate out. But then Aiden reveals he has a violent side, and Carlos needs his best friend’s support. On top of that, he starts to realize his feelings for Nate might not be limited to friendship. But in the aftermath of his relationship with Aiden, and with Nate having problems of his own, the timing is all wrong to make a real relationship work. As emotions run high, both have a hard time figuring out what is real and what is just convenient.

NATE: Oh, and by the way, if you didn’t read the first two books, you should probably go read those first. Our story starts in Book 1, and this is Book 3.

CARLOS: Right. And this lady interviewing us is the author of, like, ten books or something. She edits textbooks at her day job and writes at night about people falling in love with each other. And she’s a ridiculous baseball fan, so there’s plenty of sportsy stuff in this book.

KATE: Thanks for that.

CARLOS: De nada.

KATE: And thanks to all of you for reading! 

  Author Bio:

Kate McMurray is an award-winning author of gay romance and an unabashed romance fan. When she’s not writing, she works as a nonfiction editor, dabbles in various crafts, and is maybe a tiny bit obsessed with base­ball. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Win ALL three books in The Rainbow League


  1. Going to my first pro hockey game! Such excitement and loved it! But my two favorite sports are baseball or football!

  2. my brother played hockey and always loved watching him

  3. I do not have any. I am not into sports.

  4. Great interview Kate! I have waited for Nate and Carlos to get on the same page so to speak, and can't wait to read their story, however angsty it is. :)

    As I have the first two and the third one pre-ordered from DSP I'm not entering the giveaway. :)

  5. When I got tickets from a friend and took my husband to see the Orioles play, it was his first professional baseball game. We were 5 rows back from 3rd base during one of the last games that Cal Ripken Jr played.

  6. Favorite sports moment...seeing one of my favorite hockey players guarantee a playoff game victory in a game that had to be won. He scored a hat trick himself, winning the game.
