Valentine's Day isn't all hearts and chocolate for everyone. Most people see it as a Hallmark holiday and try to roll their eyes and get through it. Well, I have 18 authors who want to make you FEEL THE LOVE for Valentine's Day.
These authors love you and they want to show you how much your love and loyalty mean to them. 18 authors means 18 winners.
Here's how it works:
Check out each of these authors and their books. Enter the rafflecopter at the bottom and on February 14th VALENTINE'S DAY you will be paired up with an author to receive ONE of their ebooks (Your choice) There are a few exceptions: No anthologies and if a book has been pulled for reprint or whatnot. But that is stated below next to the authors name.
HERE you don't have to hate Valentine's Day. HERE these amazing authors want to spread the love, to you, their fans!
Born in Liverpool, Kate Aaron lives in Cheshire, England, with two dogs, a parrot, and a bearded dragon named Elvis.
She holds a BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature, and an MA
in Gender, Sexuality and Culture, and is an outspoken advocate for equal
rights. When not hitting the campaign trail, doting slavishly on Elvis,
or simply trying to earn a crust, she does what she does best – writes
about men in love.
To check out her books:
While Leta Blake would love to
tell you that writing transports her to worlds of magic and wonder and
then safely returns her to a home of sparkling cleanliness and carefully
folded laundry, the reality is a bit different. For as long as Leta can
recall, stories have hijacked her mind, abducting her to other lands,
and forcing her to bend to the will of imaginary people. This absence
from reality results in piles of laundry and forgotten appointments. In
between abductions, Leta works hard at achieving balance between her day
job, her writing, and her family.
To check out her books: Leta's Books
Theo Fenraven happily lives in south Florida, where it is hot and sunny much of the year.
Check out his books:
Theo on Wordpress
Jamie Fessenden set out to be a
writer in junior high school. He published a couple short pieces in his
high school's literary magazine and had another story place in the top
100 in a national contest, but it wasn't until he met his partner,
Erich, almost twenty years later, that he began writing again in
earnest. With Erich alternately inspiring and goading him, Jamie wrote
several screenplays and directed a few of them as micro-budget
independent films. He then began writing novels and published his first
novella in 2010.
After nine years together, Jamie and Erich have
married and purchased a house together in the wilds of Raymond, New
Hampshire, where there are no street lights, turkeys and deer wander
through their yard, and coyotes serenade them on a nightly basis. Jamie
recently left his "day job" as a tech support analyst to be a full-time
Check out his books: Jamie's Books
Jordan L. Hawk grew up in the
wilds of North Carolina, where she was raised on stories of haints and
mountain magic by her bootlegging granny and single mother. After using a
silver knife in the light of a full moon to summon her true love, she
turned her talents to spinning tales. She weaves together couples who
need to fall in love, then throws in some evil sorcerers and undead just
to make sure they want it bad enough. In Jordan’s world, love might
conquer all, but it just as easily could end up in the grave.
Check out her books:
Jordan's Books
John has been writing fiction
for as long as he can remember. Born on a small farm in Indiana, he
now resides in San Diego, California where he spends his time gardening,
pampering his pets, hiking and biking the trails and canyons of San
Diego, and of course, writing. He and his partner share a passion for
theater, books, film, and the continuing fight for marriage equality.
**Willow Man is not available for this giveaway**
Check out his books: John on Dreamspinner

Renae Kaye is a lover and
hoarder of books who thinks libraries are devilish places because they
make you give the books back. She consumed her first adult romance book
at the tender age of thirteen and hasn’t stopped since. After years –
and thousands of stories! – of not having book characters do what she
wants, she decided she would write her own novel and found the
characters still didn’t do what she wanted. It hasn’t stopped her
though. She believes that maybe one day the world will create a perfect
couple – and it will be the most boring story ever. So until then she
is stuck with quirky, snarky and imperfect characters who just want
their story told.
Renae lives in Perth, Western Australia and
writes in five minute snatches between the demands of two kids, a
forbearing husband, too many pets, too much housework and her beloved
veggie garden. She is a survivor of being the youngest in a large
family and believes that laughter (and a good book) can cure anything.
Check out her books: Renae's Books
Edmond Manning has always been
fascinated by fiction: how ordinary words could be sculpted into
heartfelt emotions, how heartfelt emotions could leave an imprint inside
you stronger than the real world. Mr. Manning never felt worthy to seek
publication until recently, when he accidentally stumbled into his own
writer’s voice that fit perfectly, like his favorite skull-print, fuzzy
jammies. He finally realized that he didn’t have to write like Charles
Dickens or Armistead Maupin, two author heroes, and that perhaps his own
fiction was juuuuuuust right, because it was his true voice, so he
looked around the scrappy word kingdom that he created for himself and
shouted, “I’M HOME!” He is now a writer.
In addition to fiction, Edmond enjoys writing non-fiction on his blog,
When not writing, he can be found either picking raspberries in the
back yard or eating panang curry in an overstuffed chair upstairs,
reading comic books.
Check out his books: Edmond's Books
Kate McMurray is an award-winning author of gay romance and an unabashed
romance fan. When she’s not writing, she works as a nonfiction editor,
dabbles in various crafts, and is maybe a tiny bit obsessed with
baseball. She has served as President of Rainbow Romance Writers, the
LGBT romance chapter of Romance Writers of America. She lives in
Brooklyn, NY.
**The Boy Next Door is not available for this giveaway**
Check out her books: Kate's Books
Jay lives just outside Bristol
in the West of England, with her amazing, occasionally ridiculous
husband, two noisy-but-awesome children, and two cats.
Jay comes
from a family of writers, but she always used to believe that the gene
for fiction writing had passed her by. She spent years only ever writing
emails, articles, or website content. One day, she decided to try and
write a short story–just to see if she could–and found it rather
addictive. She hasn’t stopped writing since.
Jay writes
contemporary gay romance, usually set in or near her home town of
Bristol. She enjoys the challenge of bringing the men in her head to
life through her words.
Check out her books: Jay's Books
Tempeste O’Riley is an out and
proud omnisexual / bi-woman whose best friend growing up had the
courage to do what she couldn’t–defy the hate and come out. He has been
her hero ever since.
Though new to writing M/M, she has done many
things in her life, though writing has always drawn her back–no matter
what else life has thrown her way. She counts her friends, family, and
Muse as her greatest blessings in life. She lives in Wisconsin with her
children, reading, writing, and enjoying life.
Tempe is also a
proud member of Romance Writers of America® and Rainbow Romance Writers.
Learn more about Tempeste and her writing at
Check out her books: Tempeste's Books
Author and artist Jordan
Castillo Price is the owner of JCP Books LLC. Her paranormal thrillers
are colored by her time in the midwest, from inner city Chicago, to
small town Wisconsin, to liberal Madison.
Jordan is best known as
the author of the PsyCop series, an unfolding tale of paranormal
mystery and suspense starring Victor Bayne, a gay medium who's plagued
by ghostly visitations. Also check out her new series, Mnevermind, where
memories are client at a time.
With her education in
fine arts and practical experience as a graphic designer, Jordan set out
to create high quality ebooks with lavish cover art, quality editing
and gripping content. The result is JCP Books, offering stories you'll
want to read again and again.
Check out her books: JCP Books
Posy Roberts writes about men
facing real life challenges. Families are often at the heart of her
stories, she loves writing about drag queens finding greater freedom and
power wearing makeup and wigs, and she's not afraid of digging into
deep psychological issues where characters are challenged with difficult
Posy lives in the land of 10,000 lakes and loves how
the healing nature of water is just outside her door. She's married to a
wonderful man who makes sure she eats while she documents these
character's lives. She also has a remarkable daughter who helps her come
up with character names. When she's not writing, she enjoys crafting,
hiking, and singing spontaneously about the mundane, just to make normal
seem more interesting.
Check out her books: Posy's books
It began with a Halloween themed short story assignment from a
second grade teacher, and from then on, AJ Rose fell head over heels in
love with writing. Time has seen the beginning and end of many things,
college and graduation, a finance career, and a marriage, and through it
all, writing has been her first love. Now, AJ is also head over heels
for her wife-to-be, fellow author Kate Aaron, who gets it, the twitchy
fingers when word counts are low too many consecutive days, the
thousand-yard stare when an idea turns AJ's vision inward, and the
jitters when the word-babies go out to meet the world. Nothing could
stop the tall tales about imaginary people that refused to be ignored.
With a life full of this much passion, it's no wonder AJ chose romance.
The voices in her head are mostly of the male persuasion, so m/m romance
was about the only option. But don't be surprised if the occasional
ghost still pops up.
Check out her books: AJ Rose WP

I have always been a romantic
at heart. I believe that while life is tough, there is always a happy
ending just around the corner. I started reading traditional historical
romances when I was a teenager, then life and law school got in the way.
It wasn’t until I picked up a copy of Bertrice Small and became swept
away to Queen Elizabeth’s court that my interest in romance novels
became renewed.
But somewhere along the way, my tastes shifted.
While I still enjoys a juicy Historical romance, I began experimenting
with newer, more cutting edge genres and discovered the world of
Male/Male romance. Once I picked up her first, I became so enamored of
the authors, the character-driven stories and the overwhelming emotion
of the books, I knew I wanted to write my own.
I live in New York
City with my husband and two children and hopefully soon a cat of my
own. My day begins with a lot of caffeine and ends with a glass or two
of red wine. I practice law but daydream of a time when I can sit by a
beach somewhere and write beautiful stories of men falling in love.
Although there is bound to be angst along the way, a Happily Ever After
is always guaranteed.
Check out her books: Felice Steven's Books

Raised on a steady media diet
of Monty Python, classical music and the visual arts, Anne Tenino rocked
the mental health world when she was the first patient diagnosed with
Compulsive Romantic Disorder. Since that day, with her trusty
psychiatrist by her side, Anne has taken on conquering the M/M world
through therapeutic writing. Finding out who those guys having sex in
her head are and what to do with them has been extremely liberating.
husband finds it liberating as well, although in a somewhat different
way. He has accepted her need for "research", and looks forward to the
benefits said research affords him. He thinks it's kind of cool she
manages to write, as well. Her two daughters are mildly confused by
Anne's need to twist Ken dolls into odd positions. They were raised to
be open-minded children, however, and other than occasionally stealing
Ken1's strap-on, they let Mom do her thing without interference.
Anne’s thing is writing gay romance and erotica.
Wondering what Anne does in her spare time? Mostly she lies on the couch, eats bonbons and shirks housework.
Check out her books: Anne's Books
Brigham Vaughn has always been
a voracious reader with her own stories to tell. After many years of
abandoned plots, something finally clicked. Now she’s eating, sleeping,
and breathing writing and is excited to have finally figured out what
she wants to be when she grows up. In the little time that isn’t spent
writing or reading, she loves cooking, yoga, photography, and remodeling
her ninety-year-old home. Brigham lives in Michigan with her four cats
and an amazing husband who has always been her biggest champion.
Check out her books: Brigham's Books
A.E. Via is still a fairly new
author in the beautiful gay erotic genre. Her writing embodies
everything from spicy to scandalous. Her stories often include
intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking
When she's not clicking away at her laptop, she devotes
herself to her family--a husband and four children, her two pets, a
Maltese dog and her white Siamese cat, ELynn, named after the late,
great gay romance author E. Lynn Harris.
While she has just
released her fifth novel, she has plenty more to come. So stalk her -
she loves that - because the male on male action is just heating up!
Check out her books: A.E's Books
WOW right? So many incredible authors with big beautiful giving hearts! *sigh* Cupid is alive and well right here. Now for the giveaway:
Enter below. Contest runs until February 14th and winners will ALL be contacted via email.
I understand the chances of you getting an author you've read EVERYTHING from already might happen. So what I will do it email 5 at a time. That way if you read the author you're paired with I will have another option for you. No fear :D
Good luck to you all and Happy Valentine's Day
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My youngest is stay at her Aunt's for the weekend. I'm going out on a date with my longterm partner of 18 years. It has been years since we went on an actual day... :)
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful! Have a terrific day
DeleteNo Valentine day plans probably buy more books!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a GREAT way to spend it
DeleteThanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! Good luck :D
DeleteNo Valentine day plans. Maybe cook a nice dinner for my husband. Great authors giving away books. Thanks so much
ReplyDeleteSounds lovely :)
DeleteA dinner at home.
spending time with my husband and children is always a great time
ReplyDeleteThat's so sweet
DeleteNo big plans, gotta admit that I don't even know what day it is this year. Will probably be relaxing and reading.
ReplyDeleterelaxing and reading is a great way to spend every day
DeleteCan't say I had even thought about Valentine's Day until you mentioned it. We usually end up ignoring it, preferring to share the love year round. Depending on what day it falls on I might just prepare a special dinner this year.
ReplyDeleteNever been a big Valentine's Day person myself
DeleteNo plans really - just be at home with my family
ReplyDeleteSeems to be the tend this year
DeleteWhat an amazing group of authors! You can't lose.
ReplyDeleteYou really can't
DeleteWhat a great group of authors! Thanks for the giveaway! No Valentine's plans for me. I'll probably be reading though.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to check out all these wonderful authors books. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! I hope you have a great day
DeleteWe are having a family Valentine's Date. The kids are so excited about Valentine's Day this year that we wanted to share it with them and my birthday is the following weekend so we can have a date night then.
ReplyDeleteI'd go for the date night on my birthday too! Sounds wonderful
DeleteNot much my husband is working, so I am going to cook him a nice supper when he gets home
ReplyDeleteHe'll love that!
DeleteI'm going to spend some quality time with the new fellow in my life - my grandson, who was born last week. I might be just a bit obsessed with him, but that's ok, because my husband is, too.
ReplyDeleteOh yes!!! Sounds like the most perfect date
DeleteI have no plans other than a day at home with my husband and daughter.
ReplyDeleteSounds wonderful!
DeleteUnfortunately no plans unless family shows up since there is no one I am with
ReplyDeleteI don't have any plans
ReplyDeletenot sure yet. It's our anniversary that day, as well. A lot depends on $ and health. If nothing else, watching a movie or two with the hubs
ReplyDeleteOMGs! So many great authors in one place! WooHoo!! Thanks for the giveaway and BTW, I don't have any plans for V Day except to do what I do every single day. Read!
ReplyDeletetaina1959 @
What a great line up of authors. I'm staying home reading on the 14th but going to dinner theatre on the 15th. Should be fun.
ReplyDeleteThe hubs has yet to tell me. We usually go and get something to eat and just spend a little time outside of the house together.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I went for an early Valentine's dinner this last weekend and when to see a performance of the local symphony orchestra. For the actual day, I plan on making my husband's favorite meal and cookies for him and my son.
ReplyDeleteno plans--just reading
ReplyDeleteGreat contest. I've read books from many of thesses authors, which are all great. Planning on spending the day with my husband on a day trip to Lancaster, PA.
ReplyDeleteI think my romantic day will include watching Shaun the Sheep in the cinema with our 3 year old followed by a nice home cooked meal by my husband!
ReplyDeleteI'm also bound to be reading one of these authors when he falls asleep!!
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
ReplyDeleteWell...I work that Saturday, but I will be spending valentines with my Dear Hubby of 39 years. We will snuggle and watch a movie just by ourselves
But I know that after the fun part I'll be reading myself to sleep....*S*
So fun!!!! <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteSo many great authors I think I'll be busy checking out all of them until next Valentines :)
ReplyDeleteNo Valentine's plans for me. I will probably take my Dad out or cook him a fabulous meal. Whichever he wants!
Some favorite authors are here. Not sure what I'll do for Valentine's Day.
ReplyDeleteSpending the day with my husband, cooking dinner together and an evening home :) Thanks for the fabulous giveaway
ReplyDeleteSpending the day with the man I love
ReplyDeleteJust spending the day with my hubby and kids. I also have some fun gifts for them. Thanks for the great contest!
ReplyDeleteGoing to dinner with my 11 year old son!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be curling up with a good book. And hopefully not frantically finishing up my Gender Studies paper...
ReplyDeleteNo real plans right now. I did get a pretty rhodocrosite heart for my boyfriend. He's a lapidary artist and is making me something, but it isn't finished yet. :-) I have a feeling something yummy is in order, either chocolate or lemon. This contest is a great idea. <3
ReplyDeleteno plans, no significant other
ReplyDeleteI have several book boyfriends who are so willing to spend St. Valentine with me... I'll probably have a reading party!
ReplyDeleteDinner with hubby whilte the kids are at granny's!
ReplyDeleteI hope to write! Something romantic, of course... or something that will eventually be romantic. If things work out the way I plan. ;-)
ReplyDeleteDream, read, relax :) Thank you for the giveaway chance and what awesome authors...