Monday, March 12, 2018

Blog Tour: Promises 4 by AE Via #Review #Excerpt #Giveaway

Author A.E. Via
Title:  Promises Part 4
Series: Bounty Hunters Series
Book Four
Edited by: Sue Laybourn
Cover Artist – Jay Aheer
Release Date: March 9, 2018


Men found him attractive, interesting even. He was like a fascinating experiment gone wrong that men liked to investigate. He’d get a date - or two, if he was lucky - but it wasn’t long before Brian’s darkness showed, and the men were running from him.

Brian King was honorably discharged from the United States Navy five years ago. He’d left with the highest honors a man can receive in his country, but he’d paid the ultimate price to earn them. He was considered one of the best; an Intelligence Officer in a Joint Special Operations Delta team that’d been a twelve-man wrecking crew. They’d thought they were invincible… until they weren’t. Brian was the only member that survived the ambush. He survived ten months of pain, of torture, only to emerge on the other side a warrior. A POW survivor. He’d returned home with all his limbs, his right mind, and with his only brother Ford, at his side. But, one thing had been lost, maybe for good… his voice.

Now, being a bounty hunter is Brian’s only means to satisfy his need to calculate, track, and capture. His only outlet to the stress caused by his silence. He was good at what he did. But, all work and no play for a forty-four year old man was taking its toll. Brian wasn’t a faulty experiment. He missed companionship, he missed communicating. So, when he met Sway Hamilton – in the most unconventional means – he’d been surprised at his special way of understanding Brian’s every look… and touch.

Sway grew up in the rough part of ATL, trailing behind his twin brother Stanton and his best friend, Dana. He and his brother had a bond only twins could understand. So when Stanton’s life was taken during their sophomore year in college, Sway didn’t think he’d ever recover. He finally finished school, got his masters in nursing, worked hard, and focused on taking care of his mother. However, Sway knew there was more to life than heartache, and caring for others. There had to be. But he didn’t know what any of those things were until he met a dark hunter that blew his mind… and the intense man had never uttered a single word.

Brian and Sway can feel the powerful connection between them. It was there from the start—but both of them have battled with loss and anguish for so long, neither understand that love can ease all of it. Do they have the courage to battle through it together? Sway has to learn to trust in love, and Brian has to believe that Sway will always understand him even if he never speaks again.

Sway held him tight around his neck, “I don’t need you to talk, Brian. I can hear you just fine,” Sway whispered softly, kissing his throat.

This novel is a part of a series but can be read as a standalone. No cliffhangers.
Trigger Warning: This story contains acts of bond recovery agent violence. Mention of war zones and descriptions of war prisoners. This story DOES NOT contain overly-described acts of torture.


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I've been reading AE Via for years. I haven't missed a book she's written and each time I'm left with a book hangover and total respect for this author. She never disappoints and always sends me on an epic adventure.

Promises 4 can be read as a standalone but I implore you to read these books in order. From book one we see the King brothers evolve and move forward and it made Brian's story that much more epic for me.

Brian has mutism. A parting gift from his time held as a POW. What this man went through had me sobbing, truly. My heart broke a million times. Just because the war ended didn't mean the battle in Brian's head did. Years of men running from him would tear him a part a little more each time. It was the love his brother had for him that saved Brian over and over. But it wasn't enough.

Sway... Oh. My. God. Maybe one of if not my favorite AE Via character to date. If you believe in God than you know he created this man for Brian. A born healer and nurturer but a bit of a sex kitten in the sack! He gives Brian everything he's wanted his whole life and more. Sway has his own sad past that dictated his life for years but when these two are together it's like nothing can shatter them because the love they have is unbreakable.

I think it's safe to say I loved this book. The suspense, love, angst, and intensity really made this story a win for me!


“Okay, honey. I’ll see you this evening.”
Sway’s eyes widened at the mention of this evening. Wasn’t he supposed to be meeting with a certain silent and mysterious man tonight? He tapped his hand nervously while he stared at the episode, not really seeing it anymore. Tweetie and his mom let go another round of laughter, oblivious to his situation. He had so much going on; how could he think of getting into anything too stressful? Relationships were just that. Brian clearly wasn’t interested in a hookup. They’d already been there and done that and neither of them seemed satisfied with it. If Sway pursued this, he’d know exactly what it meant.
“Tweetie, are you busy tonight?”
She dug at a piece of bacon that’d wedged between the small gap in her bottom teeth before she answered, “Nothing that I know of. What comes on tonight, Steph?”
His mom seemed to think about it for a moment just as her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh! Grey’s and Scandal, honey. Yes. I need this in my life tonight.” His mom said dramatically, and just that fast they both exploded into a conversation about what they wanted to see happen tonight.
“I was asking—” he yelled over them, smiling when they glowered at him. “I was asking because I was hoping you’d be interested in some extra hours tonight?”
Tweetie smiled broadly then narrowed her rich brown eyes. “I been asking for more hours forever, but you never seem to have anywhere to go… old man. So, what’s changed?”
She was just as perceptive as Dana. Loved piecing something together. Sway huffed teasingly, “Nothing Angela Lansbury. Just hanging out.”
“With some friends… or a friend?”
His mom was trying to act as if she wasn’t hanging on his every word, but she wasn’t fooling anyone, staring at the television like a zombie. It was her and Tweetie’s mission to get him settled down, no matter how much he resisted. “A friend, okay. Miss Nosey.”
“Hmmm. How can we turn that friend into boyfriend?” She tapped her chin as if she was deep in thought. “Are you putting out the vibes, baby, you know… for you guys’ radar.”
Does she mean… ‘gaydar’?
Tweetie just kept talking like she was being so PC. “Now, I’ve been talking with my cousin, Jamar, he’s my gay cousin I mentioned a while back. He’s a barber. Do you know him?”
Sway just stared dumbfounded for a second then answered, “Of course I know him. Gay barber, Jamar.” He couldn’t be mad at her. She was only trying. Tweetie grew up in the Deep South, in Haleyville, Alabama, before her mom passed and she was sent to live with her aunt in Gainesville, Georgia. In the early seventies, neither of those backwoods towns had been known for their acceptance or tolerance. So, he was glad that she always tried to say the right thing… even if she rarely did.
“Yes.” She beamed. “He said a man can give you the look and sometimes that’s all it takes. Give him the look tonight, Sway.” Tweetie batted her eyelids and puckered her toffee-colored lips a little, flicking her head in a come-hither motion.

“Oh God. Okay. I think I’m done eating.” Sway picked up his plate and put it into the sink. When he came back out he kissed his mom on the cheek. He went over to Tweetie and pecked her cheek as well. “Now, I’m going to take my newfound ‘how to score’ knowledge, and I’m gonna head to work.”

A.E. (Adrienne) Via has been a best-selling author in gay romance for five years now, but she’s no stranger to MM. She’s been an avid reader of gay lit for over twenty years before she picked up her laptop to place her own kiss on this beautiful genre. She’s also the founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books, having published a couple of great new up and coming MM authors.
A.E. has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Virginia Wesleyan College that she used to start her own paralegal firm after she graduated in 2008. She spent five years preparing and filing bankruptcy petitions for struggling blue collar workers who couldn’t afford to file with a lawyer. It was a rewarding and satisfying career… but another path called to me. Writing.
A.E.’s writing embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.
Now that she’s gotten over her 10 books published hump, she’s kind of known now for her play rough and love hard, bad boy, alphas. However, I do like to push myself to step out of my comfort zone and explore with different tropes, but I never push myself into a whole other genre. I’m head over heels for gay romance and I have tons of more hot stories to tell.

Be sure to visit Adrienne on her social media pages and subscribe to her newsletter to never miss another release date! or Go to A.E. Via’s official website  for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peek on upcoming work, free reads, VSWB submissions, and where she’ll appear next.

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A.E. Amazon Author Page
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1 comment:

  1. Just finished the first three books in this series. It was back to back all night reading as usual with A.E. AE Via's books.
