Monday, September 3, 2018

Random Review: A Few Good Fish by Amy Lane #Review #Giveaway

Author: Amy Lane
Book: A Few Good Fish
Series: Fish Out Of Water #3
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Reese Dante
Publication Date: August 28, 2018
Length: 290 pages

Reviewed by Erin


A tomcat, a psychopath, and a psychic walk into the desert to rescue the men they love…. Can everybody make it out with their skin intact?

PI Jackson Rivers and Defense Attorney Ellery Cramer have barely recovered from last November, when stopping a serial killer nearly destroyed Jackson in both body and spirit.

But their previous investigation poked a new danger with a stick, forcing Jackson and Ellery to leave town so they can meet the snake in its den.

Jackson Rivers grew up with the mean streets as a classroom and he learned a long time ago not to give a damn about his own life. But he gets a whole new education when the enemy takes Ellery. The man who pulled his shattered pieces from darkness and stitched them back together again is in trouble, and Jackson’s only chance to save him rests in the hands of fragile allies he barely knows.

It’s going to take a little bit of luck to get these Few Good Fish out alive!

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As a die-hard, tried and true Amy Lane fangirl, anytime she releases a new book it's a time to celebrate. I have been counting down the days for a year for the release of A Few Good Fish, I'm not even joking. Ellery Cramer and Jackson Rivers stole my heart in the first book, Fish Out of Water and I have loved them a ridiculous amount since then. These two deeply flawed, imperfect, snarky men have established themselves as one of my all-time favorite Amy couples, and that's saying something my friends considering their competition. (*ahem Xander Karcek and Christian Edwards and Trav Ford and Macky Sanders anyone?!) But for any true Amy fan, this series is truly everything we've come to love and expect from such a talented writer, and then some. I'll be honest, while I really enjoyed the first book (and even more so on my re-read to get ready for the new book), each book in the series just gets better and better. Romantic suspense might be a new foray for Amy, but I sure hope that she continues to explore this sub-genre because holy hell can she ever tell a story! 

I will say that A Few Good Fish is NOT a stand alone. This is definitely a continuation of the first two books in the series and a read or re-read of Amy's Chasing the Sun wouldn't hurt either because Ace and Sonny (along with Alba, Jai, and Burton) all make an appearance and play pretty big roles so their backstory is needed for context for sure. I can't really say too much about the story itself without giving anything away and I really don't want to do that, but there are a few things I can mention. The first and most important one is just how fabulous Ellery and Jackson are. They have both grown SO much since their introduction in the first book. Jackson still swaggers and makes Ellery's knees go weak just by looking at him, but Jackson has really changed a lot. His snark is still there, his fearlessness and complete devotion to his family and friends, but from the very first scene in the book where Jackson meets the rabbi when he attends Temple with Ellery, there is this wounded vulnerability that is harder and harder for the fierce, strong Jackson to hide from those that love him. And there are many, more than Jackson is comfortable with or even realizes. 

As for Ellery, well, the many comparisons of him to a shark are well-founded, but god, I love him. He's bitchy and sassy and really takes absolutely no bullshit from Jackson. And the way he loves and cares for Jackson is this wonderful mix of no nonsense and tender beyond belief. These two laugh and love hard, fight hard, and well, from the very beginning of the first book manage to get themselves smack dab in the middle of chaos and it's no different in A Few Good Fish. There is so much action, so much suspense that you'll be on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The addition of Ace and Sonny is fabulous and it's beyond brilliant how Amy has woven these two stories together. 

The plot, the characters--both main and secondary, the banter, the sex, the ups and downs, all of it makes this series not to be missed. Jackson has been through some shit, y'all. Horrific, terrible stuff that no one but Amy could make her character suffer, but it's made him one my most favorite characters of hers. I love how this series continues to get better and better. I loved the introduction of Burton and Ernie and I can't wait to read their story. Jai needs his own book, as I've told Amy rather forcefully. I want more of Jackson and Ellery's mom, Lucy Satan. I love how snarky and prissy Ellery can be but the way he loves Jackson with his whole heart and soul just melts me. We all know Amy is known for her angst and then of course the sweet and fluffy but she's gotten this romantic suspense thing down like no one's business. I can't wait for the next book ... and the next and the next and the next. *hint hint* Be sure you've checked out this series, because if not, you are sure missing out on one hell of a roller coaster ride!


Enter the monthly review giveaway
Contest ends September 30th


  1. I have been thinking about reading this series! TBR pile it is!!!

  2. I'm looking forward to listening to P.S. I Love You when it's released next month.

  3. I bought the first one and can't wait to read it.
