in Love
ARTIST: Garrett Leigh
105 Pages approx.
M/M, LGBTQ, Suspense
DATE: March 15, 2016
Dillon Carter's boyfriend, Marc Francis, is a paid assassin. That little fact
makes having a normal relationship very complicated. Especially when there are
people out there in the big bad spy world who hate Marc so much the last thing
they want is him to end up happy.

“Sure. If you think
this is the right building I’ll just wait for you.” She definitely knew the
area better than me, so I let her lead. Besides, a part of me liked the idea of
getting out of the swarm of people for a few minutes. I followed her past the
temporary barrier, craning my head every few seconds and praying for a glimpse
of Marc.
When she reached the
entrance to the building, she grinned and put her hands together as if saying a
prayer and then she disappeared into the dark doorway. Sighing, I leaned
against a pylon to wait for her.
“Follow me.” I jumped
as if I’d been stuck by a cattle prod when Marc’s voice was suddenly against my
ear. Turning toward him, the yelp of joy I was about to let loose stuck in my
throat when I noticed he had his finger over his lips in a shushing manner.
“Come.” He tugged at my arm.
“You’re here.” I
mouthed, drowning in his chocolate brown eyes.
His lips twitched. “Of
I clutched his jacket,
loving the feel of his hard bicep under the silky material. “I’m so happy to
see you,” I whispered.
“You can show me how
much you appreciate me later, let’s move.”
I started to follow him
and then I stopped, my shoes squeaking on the floor. “Oh, wait. Let me just
tell Mary that I’m leaving,” I said in a hushed voice. It was amazing how much
safer I felt with him here beside me now; as if nothing could hurt me.
“Yeah, I met her on the
He narrowed his gaze.
“What did you say?” He took in the suitcase next to me, and his mouth hardened.
He looked over his shoulder in the direction Mary had gone. “Son of a bitch.”
He yanked me down to the floor so fast I didn’t even know what the hell was
happening. My elbow banged onto the cement and I gritted my teeth against the
pain. Something smacked off the pylon above us sending powdered fragments of
cement onto my head. “What part of don’t trust anybody was unclear to you?” He
said in a raspy voice.
I was in shock.
Instinctively, I knew that someone was shooting at us with a silencer, and in
the back of my mind I was worried Mary might be in the line of danger. That was
until I got a glimpse of her squatting behind a trash can with a gun trained on
our position.
“I don’t understand,” I
muttered, feeling dazed. The pleasant little white-haired lady from the train
had been replaced by a pinched faced huntress. It was like watching Mrs. Claus
turn a high powered rifle on Rudolph.
“We need to get out of
here before her friends arrive.” Marc was breathless as he crouched over me,
shielding me with his body when another round of bullets smashed into the
concrete above us.
“Mary’s a bad guy?” I
asked, stupidly.
With a long, heartfelt
sigh, he ignored me and pulled his gun from beneath his arm in one smooth move.
He aimed in the direction of Mary and fired without any hesitation. The sound
was like someone banging a hammer against a wall, but it didn’t sound like
gunfire exactly. The noise of the trains and hordes of people was loud enough
inside the terminal that no one seemed to notice what was happening only fifty
feet away behind the barricade. He cursed under his breath and covered me again
as a barrage of bullets slammed above us. Then he straightened and fired and
peeking under his arm I saw Mary slump to the ground, her firearm clattering to
the cement. I stared at her motionless form in sheer horror with my mouth
hanging open.
“Move.” Marc’s voice
was like steel and he grabbed me and dragged me in the direction of the
The hairs on the back
of my neck prickled as we shoved through the crowd. I kept expecting a gunshot
to ring out and to feel the searing pain as a bullet tore through me. But nothing
happened and soon we were at the entrance to the building, slipping out the
front. Any other time I’d have found the ornate 1900’s architecture of the
station and the distinctive old clock tower amazing. But right now all I could
think about was how nauseated I felt at being hunted like an animal. We headed
north through the expansive parking lot toward the boulevard Diderot. If Marc
hadn’t had his fingers dug into my arm I might have had trouble keeping up with
his reckless pace.
“I can’t believe you made
a friend on the train.” He emphasized that one word sneeringly. “I specifically
told you not to trust anyone.”
I was short of breath
but I forced out, “She seemed nice.”
He looked at me like
I’d said I wanted to invite Charles Manson to Christmas dinner. “She seemed
nice? Nice?” He grunted. “I don’t care if she baked you cookies and gave you a
puppy; you weren’t supposed to talk to anyone.”
“I thought she was a
harmless old lady,” I muttered, almost tripping over my own feet.
His laugh was harsh.
“Yeah. That’s her favorite act. She’s about as harmless as a scorpion trapped
in your shorts.”
All the happiness! I love the suspense these books give me.
Dillon and Marc are so entertaining together. Marc with his inept social graces
and relationship experience and Dillion with his insecurities and inability to
read Marc all that well. These two LITERALLY need to communicate to get what
the other one is trying to convey.
In the first book it ended on a cliffhanger and we all
wanted to throw our Kindles, and cry! Well, there’s a bit of a cliffhanger on
this one as well… butttttttttt it’s not who you think… who? Yeah I said who!
And I’m thrilled about what book 3 will bring.
SC Wynne made this book even better than book 1 and it’s
reading like a suspenseful TV show! Her ability to introduce new characters,
make us question each one and if they are trustworthy is great. I love how I
found myself saying, “Oh I want to like this person. Please don’t make them a
malicious assassin who wants to kill Marc and Dillion’s happiness.” LOL
I really really loved this book and am eager for more!!!!

S.C. Wynne started writing m/m in 2013 and did look back once. She wanted to say that because it seems everyone's bio says they never looked back and, well S.C. Wynne is all about the joke. She loves writing m/m and her characters are usually a little jaded, funny and ultimately redeemed through love.
S.C loves red wine, margaritas and Seven and Seven's. Yes, apparently S.C. Wynne is incredibly thirsty. S.C. Wynne loves the rain and should really live in Seattle but instead has landed in sunny, sunny, unbelievably sunny California.
Writing is the best profession she could have chosen because S.C. is a little bit of a control freak. To sit in her pajamas all day and pound the keys of her laptop controlling the every thought and emotion of the characters she invents is a dream come true.
If you'd like to contact S.C. Wynne she is amusing herself on Facebook at all hours of the day or you can contact her at scwynne@dslextreme.com

Winner’s Prize: $10 Amazon GC + E-copy of Book 1 & Book 2 in the series
Runners Up Prize: E-copy of Assassins Love People Too

March 15: Rick R. Reed
March 16: Bayou Book Junkie
March 17: Sue Brown
March 18: Gay.Guy.Reading And Friends
March 21: Prism Book Alliance
March 22: Divine Magazine
March 23: Love Bytes Reviews :: Diverse Reader
March 24: Rainbow Book Reviews :: MM Good Book Reviews
March 25: MM Book Escape
loved the excerpt...congrats SC