Monday, July 13, 2015

Promo Post: Love Has No Expiration by C.S.Poe #Review #Giveaway

There’s more to life than work, and love has no expiration, even for those approaching their forty-fifth birthday.

Daniel Richards is a private chef in New York City who has committed over a decade to his skills and passion. He has carved out a name for himself in the industry and has bookings for parties and dinners months in advance. Now that he’s in his midforties, however, he’s come to the realization that he’s lonely and desperate for companionship. Two days before Valentine’s Day, he meets Keith Maxwell at a farmer’s market and can’t keep the much younger man out of his thoughts. Keith is eager and willing to take a chance with someone older, but Daniel’s reluctance stops Keith’s every attempt. Worried his career will suffer if he dedicates time to a serious romance, or that Keith won’t be satisfied with someone so much older, Daniel nearly thwarts his own attempts at finding happiness.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."

Buy Links: AMAZON US  AMAZON UK  B&N  Dreamspinner


Short stories tend to worry me. I'm not a short story fan usually. Not because they are bad, it's because I'm greedy and want more time with the characters. However, this story was perfect at the time. Stuck in a waiting room, needing to get my mind off things. This did the trick. Daniel and Keith were fabulous! Sweet, tender, reluctant. This short story is emotion filled and absolutely lovely. I'd read these characters in a full length novel, no question. C.S. Poe managed to make the short story feel like it was worth your time, keep you smiling and giggling. By the end I felt so happy and glad I gave it a chance! You absolutely should!


C.S. Poe will gift one person a copy of Love Has No Expiration.  Contest will run until July 20th. Winner will be contacted via email so please check your spam!
I want to thank C.S. Poe for doing this and good luck to you all!
Remember to review what you read.


  1. yes i believe you can find love later in life

  2. I think it's fantastic we people find love later in life. I have some family friends that found each other after both were divorced and in their 60s. So happy together now.

  3. I absolutely love the idea of finding love later in life and completely believe it is possible. I also like the idea of books about it - something different than 20-somethings all the time. :)

  4. I love that love can happen at any moment. And certainly it can happen later in life. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I think its important to have hope that there is a chance to find love no matter your age and I am happy that there more books with characters portraying it.

  6. I love these types of stories. I certainly hope it's possible to find love later in life.
